Yeah, basically we lack skill, physicality, and speed lol…I don’t know what this team does well…really nothing…we lack shooting talent but don’t make up for it with relentless effort, we’re not a great let alone good defensive team and we don’t have above average goaltending…I don’t see how we’re going to win games lol…I mean a new coach might go a long way in helping minimize the effort and defensive issues, but I don’t think enough to launch us into a team that could win a playoff round…I’d like us to give some chances to unknown younger players…let’s see what we have…McG was ok on L3 but not really all that noticeable outside of wall/NZ plays…let’s see if he can be more of offensive catalyst if we play him in the top six…get Puusty in the next game too…at least he can finish a shot occasionally lol