It can only go back one more year. It’s either this year or next year. And if we KNOW this years is in the teens then we can’t risk next years being in the top ten
I think there are a few factors here.
1) If you believe Garrioch, they continue to try to get an extension or have the punishment removed altogether. If true, they will keep pushing until next year.
2) If we are in the teens the team may feel confident we won’t be lower next year. A risk for sure but really we shouldn’t be a bottom 10 team next year.
3) We are looking at some of our key players hitting UFA in the next 2-3 years. We will likely need a prospect or two to come and help us manage the cap at that point. Getting a prospect this year is an added year of development.
I don’t know what they’ll do but they’ve been pretty consistent that they intend on leaving it as long as they can.