I agree with you. I'm not the outlier here. Follow backwards.Andersson is a much better prospect ainec. Cirelli has a few years on him as well. Cirelli doesn’t play with the grit that Lias does and Cirelli isn’t a leader type. Lias has a much better shot and defensive play. Lias’ IQ is slightly better (both have absurdly high hockey IQ) Cirelli is a better playmaker, but isn’t as gritty and doesn’t go the dirty areas as much. I don’t get why we’re comparing them though, they play nothing alike. Lias is a net front guy and more of a shooter. No bias even here but Lias is much better as a prospect now and even when Cirelli was at Lias’ age he wasn’t a better prospect
I posed this question to my AHL eyes earlier and he just laughed.