You guys are assuming the League is going to lift Voynov off suspension upon a not guilty verdict or a lat minute or trial plea bargain. First his court case, then their investigation...while he heals...Lotta ifs. NHL doesn't necessarily have the same rules of evidence that a court/DA's office has to follow.
Even if found not guilty that doesn't mean the league won't turn up something in their investigation that they feel warrants a longer suspension or potential termination on the same issues Richards was terminated. Info that for many reasons a D.A. could not use in court (but would have loved to).
NHLPA would challenge it and it would take time for a hearing.
I'm sure if Futa is saying he'll be back, means the players are willing to accept him back. The fans won't be, but that won't matter unless it pisses him off to be boo'd every time he touches the puck a la Rob Blake. Which I assure you, WILL HAPPEN!
I still think it will be hard for the Kings to bring him back and even if he is cleared by the courts and the league, I think Voynov needs a fresh start somewhere else.
Just my opinion....and Fettuccine's too. (I tell him how to's my job around here..)