I dont see why the NHL would mind, as they have a bunch of 0 income tax states already.Leafs are popular, but asking the government for tax reductions for the ultra wealthy (which NHL players are) would cause serious issues even if the taxes on Sports teams rise. Plus, the NHL would probably lose their mind for parity reasons. Plus, non-resident foreign nationals are already open to a ton of tax loopholes to the extent the NBA banned them for us.
Maybe I am naive, but I have worked in and around politics for the last15 years.
Buck-a-beer won over a massive amount of voters in Ontario, and no on actually even sells beer for a buck.
Politically making a move to keep our teams competitive, or bring home our stars, would sell like hotcakes to the electorate. The biger issue may be teams like Ottawa who maybe cant afford the extra millions in taxes.
But MLSE owns like 90% of the 'pro' sports teams in Ontario.