How the hell do you know what? Guys like Valk, Scatchard, Ward, Sopel etc have come out and said he scouted them. Muckalt, Tyson Nash. There's a few more. The dude was solid for a decent chunk of time and he lost his way. We all know this. I was trying to wind the clock back a dozen years as those are the guys that really matter to the current team. Why piss and cry about shit that happened when you rocked diapers?
So you attribute the successes to Penny but bury Delorme at the same time. There's a big tent, a gaggle of makeup and some shitty wigs for you.
1. The game changes and sometimes people can't adapt.
2. It's a hell of a lot different being a scout from being the guy running the scouting.
3. We took a hell of a lot of Western Canadian kids from 1987-1995 and some were bound to hit.
I did hear it reported a bunch of years ago that the 1995 Sopel/Schaefer draft where he got those two picks right really aided in his flying up the organizational ranks. Unfortunately, the next 25 players we picked after that from the west were all donkeys.
I also distinctly remember an interview with either Penney or Delorme on Dan Russell's show in 1994 where it was outright stated that they hadn't really watched Muckalt play but drafted him because he scored a lot of points. It was a kind of crazy quote that stuck out to me even then as a teenager.