Respect and agree with your stance on victim’s rights. But not sure I can sign on to the first statement. In the US at least, we have 1000s of innocent people in prison. Prosecutors have been known to prosecute people they know to be innocent by withholding exculpatory evidence among other misdeeds. In federal cases, the prosecution knowingly fatigues defendants financially into plea deals. So this idea that charges are only brought on guilty people seems factually incorrect to me.
I think both statements can be true. There is obviously corruption in the police/DA offices all over the world. And there are also cases where the police/DA office really think a person is guilty and try to hide stuff that suggests otherwise to defense lawyers so the defendant doesn't get away with it. And sometimes they might be right. And sometimes they might be wrong. As a society, we have decided that punishing the innocent is worse than letting guilty go free (and I buy in on that!), but you can imagine how frustrating that can be for the prosecution side to see people walk they think did it but they can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt. And you can see how it can lead to them doing things the wrong way. Not making excuses, but you can understand that a prosecutor doing that kind of thing can convince themselves they are doing the right thing.
But, sexual assault cases are so so so hard to prove they are often the kind of cases that the DA office won't spend their limited resources on unless they really think they can make a case. I mean even if they have a rape kit you get into he said/she said and so much happens behinds closed doors... and that's before alcohol gets involved.
Obviously, there are going to be exceptions to a blanket statement, though.
However, the bigger problem with sexual assault stuff is how often no one even goes to the police because they don't want to live through it again and again and again for years, be told their life's greatest trauma is a lie, and drag their family through it.
Its a hard issue with no good answers.