Fire Luke Richardson


Registered User
Jul 25, 2007
I agree and the GM is just as bad or even worse, I don’t get this team he constructed, its Beddard which he got lucky with, and just a bunch of middle 6 guys, we need another 3 top line players if we are to win a cup and actually compete with the best. There is literally no plan for that, nothing that’s clear at least, we have nothing crazy in the pipeline and he blew the draft this year which he has a chance to get that guy to make that much needed duo. I doubt he’s smart enough to bring in guys anyone to fill those roles from free agency or trades, so what gives? Prepare for painful years ahead boys. I am not saying this cause of watching this game, the team has improved but it’s not a winning formula I don’t see the grand plan, it’s a clueless GM putting some crap together and hoping it sticks.


Registered User
Mar 11, 2014
I agree and the GM is just as bad or even worse, I don’t get this team he constructed, its Beddard which he got lucky with, and just a bunch of middle 6 guys, we need another 3 top line players if we are to win a cup and actually compete with the best. There is literally no plan for that, nothing that’s clear at least, we have nothing crazy in the pipeline and he blew the draft this year which he has a chance to get that guy to make that much needed duo. I doubt he’s smart enough to bring in guys anyone to fill those roles from free agency or trades, so what gives? Prepare for painful years ahead boys. I am not saying this cause of watching this game, the team has improved but it’s not a winning formula I don’t see the grand plan, it’s a clueless GM putting some crap together and hoping it sticks.
I wanted Demidov over AL but finding RD with Size and speed is not easy so I will wait till after AL is on the ice for a few months to freak out. this next draft is strong at C and W. other then that and a few over pays on shorter term deals what would you have done massively differently. clearly bringing back AA at 2 years was a mistake. Brodie at 2 years looks questionable right now. We are going to need one of our picks to become a 70 pt forward. not sure who that is but we also need better players 4-12 and I think in a few years we will. IF AL is not a top line RD at #2 that will be pretty daming. that said Im not sold on who went #3 or # 4. AZ has been picking top 10 for how many years in row? 10? we have 3 draft so far. I also think with Forwards he has looked for guys that project as 2 way players. Nazar, Moore, Boisvert, vanneker. SAAD and Hossa we not huge producers during our CUP runs but that effected W and Losses. would you rather pay guys $5-$6 mil and have them put up 50 pts with a positive +- or 70 pts 8mil and negative +-? Does this team need more skill, YES, does it feel like LD is a playoff winning coach NO. When stan gutted the farm system and traded away lots of 1st round picks. what are you going to do. CAT, Hagel, and Kane meant we drafted between 5-10 so would you lock them into long term deals. that is no mans land.

x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
If you guys had to put a % on it, what % of how bad the Hawks were/are this season and the past season due to Richardson and what % is due to the Hawks just having a bad roster?

With a better coach how much better could this team actually be?


Registered User
Jul 27, 2022
If you guys had to put a % on it, what % of how bad the Hawks were/are this season and the past season due to Richardson and what % is due to the Hawks just having a bad roster?

With a better coach how much better could this team actually be?
last season i was at maybe 75-85% lack of talent. this season is still young, but i would ballpark probably about 50-60% lack of talent so far, and that number will only continue to fall with performances like last night's.

with a really great coach, this team would still be lucky to be threatening for the wild card. not even squinting makes this look like a playoff-bound group.


Registered User
Dec 19, 2006
London, Ont.
Not sure I disagree but something needs to be about these piss poor starts and to me that falls primarily on the coaching staff.
A coach can only do or say so much to get his players ready to play. Players need to be motivated themselves, or find something that motivates them. Only thing the coach can do is threaten players ice times, and that's not something LR is afforded with no one else to play in their place.

x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
Not sure I disagree but something needs to be about these piss poor starts and to me that falls primarily on the coaching staff.
The Dynasty Hawks weren't starting games on time or playing a full 60 minutes all the time either. I'm convinced that's just a hockey-ism and an unrealistic expectation, personally.


Registered User
Mar 20, 2022
What annoys me about Luke is, and this will only be exemplified more this season, is how much patience he seems to have for veteran players. TJ Brodie played 17 minutes last night despite looking cooked. Martinez played 24 minutes when he has no business playing that much. Our best D played 19 minutes last night and Allan only played 10 minutes. He throws Jones out there for 26 minutes and the guy can't even skate the puck through the middle of the ice on the PP without mishandling it and losing possession.

It's an undesirable position at the moment because the Hawks just don't have the personnel but I don't think I ever need to see a PP unit of Maroon, Smith, Martinez and Donato again either.


Toews = Savior
Nov 8, 2009
It was the 1st game of the season... even with all the improvements we have a bad team.

Richardson is not a good coach, but you don't fire him until you see that team is ready to win. KD will hire a coach once there is need to do it. This is still a rebuild. This team will improve and get better over time. I doubt it happens before next season and we will see Nazar, Korchinski and Lev at the end of the season.

Mjul Qvist

Registered User
Nov 28, 2009
I agree and the GM is just as bad or even worse, I don’t get this team he constructed, its Beddard which he got lucky with, and just a bunch of middle 6 guys, we need another 3 top line players if we are to win a cup and actually compete with the best. There is literally no plan for that, nothing that’s clear at least, we have nothing crazy in the pipeline and he blew the draft this year which he has a chance to get that guy to make that much needed duo. I doubt he’s smart enough to bring in guys anyone to fill those roles from free agency or trades, so what gives? Prepare for painful years ahead boys. I am not saying this cause of watching this game, the team has improved but it’s not a winning formula I don’t see the grand plan, it’s a clueless GM putting some crap together and hoping it sticks.

If you don´t see the plan it doesn´t matter there ain´t one. Davidson started drafting in 2022 after he started to tear down the house. Let´s relax here and be patient. Colorado drafted from 2009 to 2017 have the pieces to succeed. These things don´t turn around in a night.

I think some of the fans are worst if anything around this team.


Registered User
Mar 18, 2010
Chicago, IL
It was the 1st game of the season... even with all the improvements we have a bad team.

Richardson is not a good coach, but you don't fire him until you see that team is ready to win. KD will hire a coach once there is need to do it. This is still a rebuild. This team will improve and get better over time. I doubt it happens before next season and we will see Nazar, Korchinski and Lev at the end of the season.
Actually, you want that coach in place before you're ready to win. Instilling work ethic and culture for these young players is critical.
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Registered User
Aug 17, 2024
It was the 1st game of the season... even with all the improvements we have a bad team.

Richardson is not a good coach, but you don't fire him until you see that team is ready to win. KD will hire a coach once there is need to do it. This is still a rebuild. This team will improve and get better over time. I doubt it happens before next season and we will see Nazar, Korchinski and Lev at the end of the season.

That was the 165th game Richardson has coached this team. Why wait any longer? He should have been fired in the offseason and replaced by just about anyone else.

I can't even imagine the culture shock this team would have had going from him to say Torts if he was available. While he's a meatball and has his issues, at least he gets his guys ready to actually play until he wears out his welcome by year 3.


Registered User
Mar 21, 2022
That was the 165th game Richardson has coached this team. Why wait any longer? He should have been fired in the offseason and replaced by just about anyone else.

I can't even imagine the culture shock this team would have had going from him to say Torts if he was available. While he's a meatball and has his issues, at least he gets his guys ready to actually play until he wears out his welcome by year 3.
Who would you like Richardson replaced with?


Registered User
Aug 17, 2024
Who would you like Richardson replaced with?

That would be up to someone smarter to decide.

But it doesn't take a smart to realize that Richardson isn't the guy to develop young players. From putting them in the wrong position, situation, or favoring terrible veterans for no justifiable reason.


Registered User
Mar 21, 2022
That would be up to someone smarter to decide.

But it doesn't take a smart to realize that Richardson isn't the guy to develop young players. From putting them in the wrong position, situation, or favoring terrible veterans for no justifiable reason.
Its been one game and our young guys are the guys who played well in that one game.


Registered User
Aug 17, 2024
Its been one game and our young guys are the guys who played well in that one game.

It's been 165 games and we are in year 3. How much more do you need to see to finally realize he ain't the guy?

Game 1 was a continuation of everything we have seen in years 1 and 2 from a coaching perspective.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
Before you fire a coach please be honest and go down the list of tge Hawks roster and rank Hawks players vs. Players on top contender teams. SURPRISED at how far below in rankings Hawks players are in comparison?

The talent level still needs a lot of improvement..Only so much eve your suggestions for replacement coaches coukd do with this group.

You are living in fantasy land expecting any coach you can name as a replacement to get this group of pkayers to be much above .500 by sesson best!

If Hawks stay at 50s orc60s poibt levels by tge finish then that woukd be underperforoming expectation...

Most experts think best Hawksxwill achieve is low to mid 70s coach is going to get them anywhere near a pkayoff team this sesdon.

So esse up onLR.. Team still has lots of flaws..till those flaws get replaced by better pkayers or if realky imoactful infusions up the overall talent level,you cannot seriously blame LR.

Only if the Hawks fail to get an extra 20+ points,can you make a rational demand to fire LR.

If Hawks still is mired in 50s or 60s range given the better but still not "great" talent additions this season can you say LR did not measure up.

You have got to be realistic as to posdible improvement levels achievable.. you do know that their are lots of better opposition teans with better deeper talent on their rosters..
None of this has a $9.51D incapable of running a successfully.

2 goals a game .. well hardctovwin if that is your offense.

Also the hoopla of a Generatiobal player that Bedardvis supposed to be given his Generationak shot ,seemsto have fizzled into a mere assist generator when all the scoutingborgs were gaga over his special shot..

But given he is nowc1 goal over lsst 15 NHL games ,even a 2 assist performance is Not going to win tou many games. ANDif your soecial shot fails onPps ,it ain't that special anymore.

Till he proves that itvis deny again,and that kibdvofcsoecial gift beats goalies on the Pp ,he will never be considered as even a top 10 cente in the NHL.

Now if he contributed 4vorc5 assists a great but scored onlycatxac1 goal every 15 games pace then lack of goal scoring threat woukd be forgiven from hom.

You are going to blame LR for Bedatd's lack of inoact goal production which has dropped off the planet over his last 15 NHK fames?

Conebon..get real.

Unless you criticize LR for not making practices entries about shooting with finish.

Ladt gMe Hawks missed tge net on shots taken 18 times..You cannot score much if your team is that porr missing the target that much especialky when about a dozen of thise misses were very good scoring slot chances.

Nor can you blanevtge coach if the opos block anotger 22 shot attemots...

There arei things s only better talent...more effective talent can fix ...You expect old geezer Darryl Sutter or any otger coach you name to fix these problems?

Give it tome...Over the next few season there will be more infusions coming in from the pipeline of draftees...Nextxsesdon I expect Levshunov and Rdm will replace Martinez and Bridie onD..

We probably need to add 1 proven not that old goal scorerr to help first line .have to trade or add that difference-maker via free agency.

I do not yhonk Kurashev is thex 2C solution long term..

If nothing develops...then they will eother have to hope draftees Boivertbor Moore prove a sokution or continue drafting a 2C solution.

My pkan woukd be to offer the entire 2026 and 2027v drafts to she bottom#1or#2,team sich tgat we can draftc Either Ethan Bellchetz or Maddox Dagennais...Eithervofvthos now still 16 year olds woukd be truly game changers.. Size +talent that would transform the team.

Trouble is Hawks will be greatly already improved by thec2026vdraft ..

So offering quantity over 1 ,+maybe even a third draft coukd also i nice a lottery win team holdibgvtge #1or#2to fix their pipeline stock morexquickly tgat only 1 franchise Center coukd.

Kdzat sone point will be tradibg away draft picks to move up.. You cNnotvoverpay for franchosxLteribg Big centers talent .

.Do not know if a teamholdong tge 2026#1or#2pick will bite on such a deal (our entire 2026 setbof picks plus our entire 2027 set of picks plus I woukd even trow in ourx2928 first.

At sonevpint you goita gocalk in a go for the big prize ..We shoukd accumulate more picks for 2O26 and 2027 to up the ante...

Then even I could get that team with one of those 2 game-changong big centers with loads of talent ,to be ibstant Cup contenders . In 2027/28 season.



Registered User
Jul 19, 2011
I really don't get previous callings for Richardson's job. He had awful teams. This team is not awful, but on paper is better. That said, it's idiotic to call for his job after a few pre-season games and 1 regular season game. Give the man a chance this year-----and if they are on the same trajectory as last year after 20-40 games and there's a quality coaching candidate WHO CAN DEVELOP YOUNG TALENT, then make the switch. The Hawks are not in a Joel Quenneville "win now" place.


Registered User
Mar 21, 2022
It's been 165 games and we are in year 3. How much more do you need to see to finally realize he ain't the guy?

Game 1 was a continuation of everything we have seen in years 1 and 2 from a coaching perspective.
for 164 games they have been intentionally constructing a roster to lose games. They still have the 2nd/3rd/4th worst roster in the western conference. Hes there to get through these bad years.


Registered User
Jul 3, 2010
The amorphous "anyone else" that will come in and save the day.... If you fire Richardson tomorrow, you're just hiring another Assistant/Interim type. There is no white knight "anyone else" who is actually willing to take the job that's suddenly going to make a tanky roster look good. You'll get another Jeremy Colliton, Derek King or Luke Richardson who in two months will be the next stupidest person of all time because the players "don't play hard" (aka, they have stretches where they are severely outplayed and on their heels) or "baffling lineup decisions" (aka, a young guy that isn't even an established NHL player yet, let alone a Top 6 player, isn't playing top line minutes) and whatever else.

This is a bad job right now, a roster filled with stopgaps to hold roster spots until young guys are ready, and then young guys that will more than likely struggle, with one exciting teenager with all the ice time, who will predictably still struggle in terms of playing the "complete game" right now that you see out of the top players in their prime. Hopefully by the time the offseason rolls around, it's a less bad job and you can hire a good coach.


Registered User
Jul 27, 2022
i will reiterate the standard i set for myself this offseason: if the results this season are the same or worse than last season, richardson should be fired. calling for his job last year with a historically bad roster was unproductive at best and asinine at worst. i was one of the most vocal opponents of the fire lurich crowd last year. i believe this year's roster is vastly improved, and though that improvement still amounts to a bottom feeder team, i think there's enough rope here to start tying a noose with if things start to get real ugly.


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