I agree the team needs to sign Zub; however, it also needs another RD, preferable a top 2 RD as Zub is more a 3-4 RD man.I think a new coach could galvanize things, as it often does. But I have to say that some of the mistakes they make need to be called out within the room. You shouldn't need a coach to tell you not to blow the zone without control of the puck, or to yell you to cut down the overpassing. The Bruins players had a moment in 2009 where they agreed to stop going so easy on each other. I think the Sens need that.
The biggest need is to get Artem Zub extended. The chances of adequately replacing him are very low.
Other than RD I don't see any lineup holes. Just a lot of players that need to play smarter.
We need a new but better coach. We have had too many "new" "low salary" coaches over Murray's and Dorion's times here. The team needs to spend more to get a higher quality experienced successful coach.
I like Sutter's comments that he focuses on individual player's tactical plays, ensuring that they make the right moves tactically in defending against other players. We need more of that to ensure players make lower risk, higher chance of success type of plays.
The D zone strategy needs to change too, to provide better more challenging of the Ds at the points, plus less puck-watching with more and closer player coverage.