Final Fantasy VII REBIRTH - Part 2

The game is legit kind of tough.

Haven’t wiped out yet but have come close a few times. Probably not a great idea to take on fights with enemies 3-4 levels higher who have no elemental weaknesses.
Still gave me the option to skip because I had the save data, but decided to just speed through anyways because I wanted to grab potions etc and shake off any dust. Just noticed something in the flashback sequence that I didn't catch in the demo -- major spoilers if you aren't familiar with FF& OG but otherwise no spoilers for Rebirth:

When Cloud is saying "Seph-iroth" as he's limping towards his mom's house in the town destruction seen, the left hand side briefly identifies it as something that a "Security Officer" is saying. Not sure if it's a weird glitch but would seem not, nice small easter egg if so.

100% not a glitch.
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Yeah, it's definitely not a glitch. In fact, I think that's my favorite new detail/breadcrumb in the game so far-- the way they played with perspective too.

I was a little concerned that
people would pick up on that too easily and be able to put together what's going on prematurely, but so far, nobody I've watched thought anything of it. It's perfectly primed to blow people's minds when they revisit the scene later, IMO.
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I hit 10 hours and I'm just by the part from the Junon demo, and I feel like I've barely done any side stuff along the way. This game is f***ing massive.
Same. That is where I landed at around 10 hours. I had just arrived at Junon, fully recognizing that I had barely scratched the surface.

Although I have to say that I have one major gripe related to the dungeons so far

They did it again with the artificial length bullshit. The mythril mine was needlessly long and by the end, I was bored to tears. Felt like Hojo's lab redux.
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The first remake was one of my favourite games of all time (I liked it better than OG final fantasy) so I want to get this but im knee deep in bug guts with helldivers 2
Speaking of fanservice, while so much of the game is great, by far my biggest gripe of the game so far is the Zack nonsense and
how stupid and inconsequential it feels throughout. Luckily there isn't a lot of it, but that's almost part of the problem. I was already skeptical of the concept and their ability to pull alternate dimension stuff off when they introduced it last game, but it's even worse than I expected, personally-- I can't believe how directionless, meandering, and unrelated it feels to everything else. It doesn't even feel like a wild, daring, and ambitious swing like it appeared to be, just a half-hearted excuse to shoehorn a fan-favorite character without any idea of how they can do it.

Maybe that can change in the third game, but It's a far more egregious part of the story to me than what a lot of reviewers/skeptics seem to be complaining/upset about most:
The ending
, which actually doesn't bother me that much, and as far as crazy shit added on top goes, I even strangely kind of like the idea/direction that it can go.

Thoughts on above spoiler:
As far as I can tell, it doesn't compromise narrative outcomes, fits in with Cloud's deteriorating mind (and the game's overarching themes), the eventual pay-off of it could potentially complement the "Cloud/Tifa in the lifestream" scene nicely, and honestly, the original scene that so many are upset that they messed with was always pretty overrated and uninteresting to begin with. Narratively, it's important that it happens (which it looks like it did), but I couldn't care less if the primary beats of that moment are preserved, personally.
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The Fort Condor mini game is ultimate fan service. Best way to handle the location since it doesn't look like we're going to get to go there.
Tbh, I feel like that's a Reunion thing rather than rebirth? I haven't looked though for fear of spoilers.

If I can play that and queensblood all day with increasing difficulty... I might have an addiction.
Tbh, I feel like that's a Reunion thing rather than rebirth? I haven't looked though for fear of spoilers.

If I can play that and queensblood all day with increasing difficulty... I might have an addiction.

Reunion? Like uh, the Crisis Core remake?

I didn’t play it.

On QB, I just hit Blood Acolyte level which is the highest I can be at the moment. Literally the first think I seek out anywhere I go.
Junon is bigger than I thought it was, additional shit opened up after the bottomswell fight
Maybe a broken record, but I just want to acknowledge again that after seeing it a second time, the way that the breadcrumbing/foreshadowing of the
Cloud twist
is handled in Rebirth's Nibelheim flashback is really beautifully done-- the new instances of it that they added on top of what was already OG in particular.

  • In the town entrance, a security officer talks to Cloud about girlfriends-- That's actually his memory of what Zack says to him, and he refers to Aerith. Pretty sure that's his VA, too.
  • The security officer who takes a hit from a monster for Tifa is obviously Cloud. Later at the reactor, she also comments on how he's not saying a word. Zack being the one to save him in the river is fitting, too.
  • In the massacre scene, we know that the security officer on the ground outside of his mom's house is Cloud, but on top of that, they make him say "Mo--....". Then when the player approaches the house, the camera perspective hauntingly shifts to the security officer's POV a few times. Then when the player is on the ground in the same position as the security officer, he glitches back to the security officer's POV who hears his mother's last words, even though the player never got inside the house to interact with her or hear them. AND on top of that, his mother's last words are revealed to be the cryptic dialogue that Sephiroth was apparently taunting him with in the beginning of the first game.
  • There's also a nice detail of Cloud feeling guilt-ridden looking at Tifa's window from the water tower.
Just really excellent stuff, IMO.

Also, vaguely related: There's a poster of FF8 Zell's silhouette doing dolphin blow in Tifa's room.
Spoiler-free question:

As someone who absolutely loves FF6 and FF4 but never really played FF7, is it worth starting with these remakes or should I play through the original on an emulator?

I had SNES and N64 growing up, didn't get a PS until late in the console's lifespan (and it came with FF9 so I pretty much skipped 7 and 8). I did sneak in my brother's room and play his copy on his PS when I was like 14 but that was maybe 45 minutes of content so my knowledge of the game is scant outside of the hype it has.
Reunion? Like uh, the Crisis Core remake?

I didn’t play it.

On QB, I just hit Blood Acolyte level which is the highest I can be at the moment. Literally the first think I seek out anywhere I go.
Junon is bigger than I thought it was, additional shit opened up after the bottomswell fight
Nooo. Like part 3. Remake. Rebirth. Reunion.
Spoiler-free question:

As someone who absolutely loves FF6 and FF4 but never really played FF7, is it worth starting with these remakes or should I play through the original on an emulator?

I had SNES and N64 growing up, didn't get a PS until late in the console's lifespan (and it came with FF9 so I pretty much skipped 7 and 8). I did sneak in my brother's room and play his copy on his PS when I was like 14 but that was maybe 45 minutes of content so my knowledge of the game is scant outside of the hype it has.
I'd say play tbe original first and then remake.
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Spoiler-free question:

As someone who absolutely loves FF6 and FF4 but never really played FF7, is it worth starting with these remakes or should I play through the original on an emulator?

I had SNES and N64 growing up, didn't get a PS until late in the console's lifespan (and it came with FF9 so I pretty much skipped 7 and 8). I did sneak in my brother's room and play his copy on his PS when I was like 14 but that was maybe 45 minutes of content so my knowledge of the game is scant outside of the hype it has.
You can play Rebirth as there’s a recap of the FF7 Remake. That said, Remake is just too damned long to try to get through in a reasonable amount of time. Just start with Rebirth and you’ll be ok.
Spoiler-free question:

As someone who absolutely loves FF6 and FF4 but never really played FF7, is it worth starting with these remakes or should I play through the original on an emulator?

I had SNES and N64 growing up, didn't get a PS until late in the console's lifespan (and it came with FF9 so I pretty much skipped 7 and 8). I did sneak in my brother's room and play his copy on his PS when I was like 14 but that was maybe 45 minutes of content so my knowledge of the game is scant outside of the hype it has.
I definitely disagree with Dolemite. The devs suggested that playing Rebirth first was viable (which should be taken with a grain of salt, they'll say whatever makes them money), but I think it's a far less effective experience that way, to the extent that it's not worth it. I watched someone start to do it in that order, and it was a pretty awkward playthrough, where the game made allusions that relied on existing knowledge in a way that just felt unnatural to learn in reverse order (on top of that, a lot of the payoffs and quips rely heavily on your existing affinity to the characters built up in remake), and they ended up losing interest. Also, there's far too much convoluted stuff that happens in Remake to feel confident that a recap has covered it, IMO.

I'd say if you're not averse to old games, which it sounds like you aren't if you like 4 and 6, OG 7 first probably makes the most sense. However, if you're interested due to Rebirth and that's the end goal, it would also be perfectly fine to start with Remake then do Rebirth (there's no reason you have to get to Rebirth as quickly as possible anyways). I've seen lots of people go backwards starting with Remake and doing OG after the fact, and it always works out great (seems to be a really good way to convince hesitant modern players to accept and appreciate old games, actually). You'll be the least confused if you start with OG, though.

In short, both OG and Remake are fine options, just don't start with Rebirth, IMO.
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I'm so overwhelmed with the combat.

Probably going to take me quite awhile to get a hang of it. Easy difficulty FTW.
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Spoiler-free question:

As someone who absolutely loves FF6 and FF4 but never really played FF7, is it worth starting with these remakes or should I play through the original on an emulator?

I had SNES and N64 growing up, didn't get a PS until late in the console's lifespan (and it came with FF9 so I pretty much skipped 7 and 8). I did sneak in my brother's room and play his copy on his PS when I was like 14 but that was maybe 45 minutes of content so my knowledge of the game is scant outside of the hype it has.

I would play the OG first. I can't see you wanting to go back to play it after you've played Remake and Rebirth, and even if you did I don't think you'd appreciate it as much.
Upper Junon was, wow. Going through and recruiting my group for the parade would have been annoying if not for all of the little easter eggs that came in the areas where they were found (I recruited the full 10.) The actual performance portion of the parade was a ton of fun and then there was a cool sequence after all of this was over that I won't write about, best you experience it on your own if you haven't already.

Chapter 5 is pretty short - boat ride over to Costa Del Sol complete with a f***ING QUEENS BLOOD TOURNAMENT! I highly, highly highly advise playing the tournament through. Not only because QB is amazing, but the payoff at the end is beyond worth it. No Joke, the hardest I've laughed while playing a game in a long time. Ends with the first of what I expect will be 2 Jenova fights in this game.

Chapter 6 - Costa Del Sol was a total let down for me. I like side quests when I have the option to do them, but not when they're forced upon me with very little story payoff. So far the only area of the game that I didn't like. Johnny's back though and he is as Johnny as ever.

On to Corel!

You can play Rebirth as there’s a recap of the FF7 Remake. That said, Remake is just too damned long to try to get through in a reasonable amount of time. Just start with Rebirth and you’ll be ok.

You can get through remake in about 30 hours if you keep the side stuff to a minimum, probably even less on an easy difficulty if one wanted to.

For story purposes, thats all you really need to do.

But to the OP, I'd play the OG first. It isn't necessary to have played it before Remake/Rebirth but it really helps fill in a ton of the gaps.
I'm so overwhelmed with the combat.

Probably going to take me quite awhile to get a hang of it. Easy difficulty FTW.
I've played maybe 12 hours so far and I'm still not as good as I was at the end of Remake. They added like three new systems and it's honestly kind of confusing. I'm probably not going to bother using Red or Yuffie (when I get her) much as I'm more comfortable with the four from the first game.

There are a few tough fights in Chapter 2, just have a Healing materia on everyone lol, no shame I'm dropping down to Easy, I've done it many times.
Upper Junon was, wow. Going through and recruiting my group for the parade would have been annoying if not for all of the little easter eggs that came in the areas where they were found (I recruited the full 10.) The actual performance portion of the parade was a ton of fun and then there was a cool sequence after all of this was over that I won't write about, best you experience it on your own if you haven't already.

Chapter 5 is pretty short - boat ride over to Costa Del Sol complete with a f***ING QUEENS BLOOD TOURNAMENT! I highly, highly highly advise playing the tournament through. Not only because QB is amazing, but the payoff at the end is beyond worth it. No Joke, the hardest I've laughed while playing a game in a long time. Ends with the first of what I expect will be 2 Jenova fights in this game.

Chapter 6 - Costa Del Sol was a total let down for me. I like side quests when I have the option to do them, but not when they're forced upon me with very little story payoff. So far the only area of the game that I didn't like. Johnny's back though and he is as Johnny as ever.

On to Corel!

You can get through remake in about 30 hours if you keep the side stuff to a minimum, probably even less on an easy difficulty if one wanted to.

For story purposes, thats all you really need to do.

But to the OP, I'd play the OG first. It isn't necessary to have played it before Remake/Rebirth but it really helps fill in a ton of the gaps.
There's literally a full recap of Remake in Rebirth.


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