Comparing the teams’ relative records completely misses the point as to why people like me cheer against the Blue Jays. It’s a separate issue from me being a Mariner fan (which stems from them being the local-ish team, going to their games regularly, getting them and their news on local TV, etc.) Hell, I liked the Expos…!
Toronto is Toronto… I also can’t stand the Raptors or TFC, and don’t like to feed their media machine so as to encourage them to do things like shutter Team 1040 for more centralized content out of Toronto. Canada is not a single market. I also don’t like the Toronto-ization of BC’s commercial landscape, thousands of miles away.
It has little to do with on-field performance, (and it’s not like this upcoming series could win me over or something). If it did I wouldn’t be a Canuck fan either…