Ticket exchange from ticketmaster has some really cheap good seats all the time.
If you get first row of the terrace level be careful about getting seats 1 and 2. They have clear extensions of the rail right at the stairs so if someone is drunk they don't fall over. It can be a little distracting especially if you're in a corner (like section 437) because the edges obstruct the glass a little bit with the angle you're looking at the ice.
I sit in the 3rd seat 1st row, so it's out of my view.
As far as scalping I'll plug 714 tickets. It's right across the street and they usually have tickets for cheap. Or since Columbus isn't much of a draw I'm sure you could just get some from the box office right before the game.
Isn't that the season ticket resale site? They used to never let sellers sell below face value. Has that finally been done away with?
I got our seats for 16 a piece in row n for the St. Louis game. Better than any of the ticketmaster prices.
Anyone know what the pricing is like for that Honda Center restaurant (Standing O)? Kinda curious to set up a reservation and go before a game sometime.
Hope this link works
Any reason why the Ducks don't play Saturday games at home?
Because the Kings have been playing on Saturday nights since before the Ducks were born.
Because the Kings have been playing on Saturday nights since before the Ducks were born.
Figured that was the case. I'm obviously a Bruins fan, but love to go to the Ducks games regardless of who they are playing. Being in San Diego it's tough to find time to go to a game other than Saturday.
It's too bad nothing could be worked out to allow for Saturday games at Honda because I'm sure there are some Ducks fans who need extra time for the drive.
I think they may have had one or two over the years but it would be rare. You know, Sunday games start at 5:00. Still time to get home at a reasonable hour (even to San Diego) if you have to go to work Monday.
The day after Thanksgiving game against the Hawks is coming up, it starts at 1.
Hey all --
I'll be hitting up the Honda Center this Wed. I was thinking of going to Noble Ale beforehand and it looks like I can park at Honda Center, walk to Noble and then walk back. Any issues with doing this? NAW opens at 4pm -- will I be able to park at Honda that early for a 730 game?
Thanks both! I'm assuming there is nothing dangerous about the walk from Noble to Honda?
Thanks both! I'm assuming there is nothing dangerous about the walk from Noble to Honda?