Here is part 2 of the CCM video series on him. I'm not sure what he's saying
-Started playing in Helsingin Kojootit (Helsinki Coyotes) as a kid
-Was time to move to bigger circles and tried out for Jokerit and made the team. Was a great thing at the time for him.
-They had a good bunch of guys who have already made it far at this point
-He has always had good coaches, nothing bad to say about them
-He is telling where he has played
- Next year he is playing in Rockford/Chicago, but it remains to be seen which one
- (On his drafting) Was pretty sure he was going to be drafted, but wasn't sure when.
-When Chicago's turn came, they picked him and it was a pretty nice experience for him
- (Girl asking the question) How many hours did you train as a junior.
- He trained almost every day, 2-3 hours a day. Not just hockey, but also floorball, football (soccer for 'muricans) and little bit of everything.
- (on the next episode, talking about pranks) One time someone had put hot gel on the helmet of Jarkko Ruutu