Can someone pls summarize what's the issue between Miller and EP40, I've seen this stuff float for months but it seemed to be rumors/innuendos etc instead of facts. So is there something concrete why they don't like each other?
I don't know how to value these players until I understand what's going on, I'd assume the GMs around the league might be extra careful around these two.
Miller is like MacKinnon, gets on his teammates case a lot if he thinks they aren't working hard enough, but it's also really hypocritical because he's prone to taking shifts off, skating to the bench lazily, and forgetting to back check.
Pettersson is a classic Swedish star, he's quiet, keeps to himself, and isn't interested in the noise.
Presumably, Miller is hard on Pettersson because he thinks he isn't an emotional guy who gets visibly frustrated, so he probably thinks Pettersson doesn't care, but he just does things differently than Miller.
The team is lacking some true veterans, a Kessel type who the team wants to win for, the Tanevs, Schenns, and Coles of the league who keep the room in check.