Evander Kane out for 4-6 months


Registered User
Jul 19, 2013
1) He's been playing his ass off despite being injured

2) He either made an innocent mistake or showed up to a meeting wearing athletic gear, something which doesn't infringe upon a another person or his property

3) Buff (who, by the way, keeps showing up out of shape and who has driven a boat while drunk - something that could have seriously injured others) somehow decided that he was the guy to be handing down punishment and infringed upon his property

4) Kane decides screw it - I've been playing hard despite being injured and you jackasses can't appreciate that? FU.

Did everyone act poorly? Yes. Kane for his immaturity, Buff for his childishness, and management and Ladd for letting it get this out of hand.

I've seen the whole "Buff drove a boat drunk" thing a few times in the past few days. He blew under the limit, hence not drunk boating. So can we let that go already?

Cult of Hynes

Hynes is never wrong.
Nov 9, 2010
I'll revise my opinion if I had any decent proof of that. Seriously, give me proof and I'll take back everything.

And no, I simply think the track suit thing is the straw that broke the camel's back. He's been made an outsider for years, and now he's fed up. Why should he put his health on the line for people who clearly don't want him there?

What dont you grasp that he is an outsider because of his own actions? I dont see why its so hard for you to process that. Its his own doing.

so basically it is everyone else and not kane eh? lol, so funny.


DJ Crazy Times
Apr 7, 2008
Las Vegas
Really? He's 23. I'm a university student, and I can tell you that there are men older than him act far more boorishly. Can he do better? Hell yeah. But to say that a handful of incidents over a strong, productive 6-year career - meaning that he had to be dedicated to hockey to achieve those stats - makes him an uncoachable cancer?

Give me a break.

You can coach talent. You can't coach cancer. There's more to being on a team than scoring goals.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2012
Maybe he doesn't WANT to be there anymore? So why should he play hurt when he could get his surgery, prepare in the off season, get traded, and start new?

The whole attitude around how players should be in the NHL is just stupid. "Be classy, be for the team, blah blah blah"

If he didn't want to be there he should have asked (privately) for a trade and played his *** off so that teams would offer enough that the Jets would make the trade (and with his play this season maybe he did). Maybe he was sick of waiting? Now he's forced the team's hand, and he's made himself a lot harder to trade.

Callista Rhian

Registered User
Dec 27, 2014
Land of Ice & Snow
I've seen the whole "Buff drove a boat drunk" thing a few times in the past few days. He blew under the limit, hence not drunk boating. So can we let that go already?

His BA is suspect as he refused to take the test initially. (Correct me if I'm off on the time though - I don't know if he took the test 5 minutes later or an hour later).

Nevertheless, he plead guilty to careless boating and "was sentenced to a year's probation, two days of public service, a $1,000 fine and a day in an alcohol education program."



Registered User
Jan 12, 2014
If he really has been playing while injured all year, you can't blame him for saying FU to the Jets. He's been working hard on the ice (with good results, I might add), and then the team basically goes "nope, we don't want you here. You've been playing your ass off but we just don't like you."

Is he a dick? Maybe. But if the rest of the team were genuine professionals, the rest of the team would have set aside their grievances, gritted their teeth, and continued to play the best damn hockey they've played in years.
Yeah.. that simple

Cult of Hynes

Hynes is never wrong.
Nov 9, 2010
His BA is suspect as he refused to take the test initially. (Correct me if I'm off on the time though - I don't know if he took the test 5 minutes later or an hour later).

Nevertheless, he plead guilty to careless boating and "was sentenced to a year's probation, two days of public service, a $1,000 fine and a day in an alcohol education program."


Which is all irrelevant for various reasons. One, he was actually an adult about it and admitted his wrong doing. two, it was 4 years ago and people can grow a lot in months let alone in years. So yea, in one breath you try to **** on someone and in the next breath defend another person that has more incidents under his belt than Buff does. yea, just stop dude. kane is a jack ass and is a cancer and clearly has some issues. idk how people can defend it. his teammates didnt just not like him for a reason, he clearly gave them many.


Registered User
Jan 9, 2009
seems like trading him can only help the jets for this years playoff run then. Unless you cant trade injured players

I don't know. Between the alleged incident, his past issues and now the surgery, his value is rock bottom. Would he really be worth trading?

Then again, I guess they can't afford to keep him around either. The situation is really a mess.

EDIT: I'm a Flames fan and I really wouldn't want him on the team. The Flames could use a talented winger, but not at the risk of messing up team chemistry, which I think is more important than a lot of people believe.

Beukeboom Fan

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Feb 27, 2002
Chicago, IL
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If he really has been playing while injured all year, you can't blame him for saying FU to the Jets. He's been working hard on the ice (with good results, I might add), and then the team basically goes "nope, we don't want you here. You've been playing your ass off but we just don't like you."

Is he a dick? Maybe. But if the rest of the team were genuine professionals, the rest of the team would have set aside their grievances, gritted their teeth, and continued to play the best damn hockey they've played in years.

So your perspective it's the Jet's fault because some players weren't "professional enough" to look past Kane breaking the team rules they were all supposed to follow?

Also - how do you conclude that the team said "we don't want you here"? Why not "We want to be a good teammate and follow certain rules which manage how the team operates and is perceived by the public."?

I do hope that Kane's surgery goes well and he comes back 100%. I just don't understand how people paint him as the victim in all of this.

Cult of Hynes

Hynes is never wrong.
Nov 9, 2010
I never said that. I specifically said that Kane, Buff, Ladd, and management are all at fault.

All of what you said implies this, to me at least, that they never tried to speak to him and some how they are responsible for Kane acting like a baby. Dude, I hope you and Kane both grow up because that is a piss poor out look to have.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2012
I'll revise my opinion if I had any decent proof of that. Seriously, give me proof and I'll take back everything.

And no, I simply think the track suit thing is the straw that broke the camel's back. He's been made an outsider for years, and now he's fed up. Why should he put his health on the line for people who clearly don't want him there?

The thing is that outsiders are never going to get "proof" of anything. It's like when you hear that a couple that you are acquainted with but aren't close to are having marital problems. You hear that there are problems, but probably won't get the full account and blow by blow details. People keep their dirty laundry to themselves, and teams are no different.

It's in the best interest of everyone on the team to keep their mouths shut so that it doesn't become a circus. They circle the wagons. We probably would never have heard any of this if Kane had shown up for the game.

Powdered Toast Man

Is he a ham?
Nov 22, 2005
I don't imagine anyone here is qualified to talk about what it's like to play professional hockey with a severe shoulder injury. He shouldn't of been playing in the first place.

Vesa Awesaka

Jul 4, 2013
I don't know. Between the alleged incident, his past issues and now the surgery, his value is rock bottom. Would he really be worth trading?

Then again, I guess they can't afford to keep him around either. The situation is really a mess.

might be able to get something back that could help the team's playoff push. I dont think kanes value is so low that he cant even return one useful piece. They might be able to get more in the summer but if you feel you can trade away kane who's not contributing for a suitable piece that can help make the playoffs i say take the chance.

Cult of Hynes

Hynes is never wrong.
Nov 9, 2010
The thing is that outsiders are never going to get "proof" of anything. It's like when you hear that a couple that you are acquainted with but aren't close to are having marital problems. You hear that there are problems, but probably won't get the full account and blow by blow details. People keep their dirty laundry to themselves, and teams are no different.

It's in the best interest of everyone on the team to keep their mouths shut so that it doesn't become a circus. They circle the wagons. We probably would never have heard any of this if Kane had shown up for the game.

I love this post, especially the last part about not hearing about any of this if Kane had shown up for the game. I agree, if he had just not acted like a baby and shown up, who knows, maybe if he could check his ego as well his teammates wouldnt have an issue with him and maybe they could all talk like adults instead of resorting to tossing his **** in the shower.


Registered User
Jul 19, 2013
His BA is suspect as he refused to take the test initially. (Correct me if I'm off on the time though - I don't know if he took the test 5 minutes later or an hour later).

Nevertheless, he plead guilty to careless boating and "was sentenced to a year's probation, two days of public service, a $1,000 fine and a day in an alcohol education program."


He refused a blood and urine test after he passed the breathalyzer, which he took right away. That he refused the tests were the biggest charges he had against him, he claims he didn't know it was illegal to refuse them. In any case though he blew under the limit and if he was on drugs those would have come up in tests taken over the next few days.

Beukeboom Fan

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Feb 27, 2002
Chicago, IL
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P Kane had the cab incident, the Madison incident, the partying, etc, but he's straightened himself out. Madison was in 2012, and he was also 23 at the time.

Also, the dress-code thing was silly. He thought it was a mid-day meeting at the hotel instead of at the rink. Should he have read the schedule better? Yeah. But it's definitely a stretch to say that that was "disrespecting the team".

Just my $.02 - but if this was the first incident - I highly doubt that the entire incident happens. Now imagine that this isn't the first incident, and team leadership had already had discussions about this (or something similar) in the past? How would his teammates let him know that this behavior isn't acceptable?

You just seem to assume that this was a "first incident", and that the players and the team malicously went after Kane. That's doesn't seem like the most likely scenario, but that's just IMO. YMMV.


Registered User
Mar 27, 2014
If he is legit injured and legit needs surgery, then I'm not going to criticize the guy for not playing through it. If a player plays through an injury, awesome, good guy giving extra to the team. Every players primary responsibility should be their own health and ability to play the game, a sacrifice from that is just bonus.

Not saying Kane doesn't have off ice issues and that he is actually a wonderful teammate, but deciding not to play through an injury anymore isn't a fault.

Cult of Hynes

Hynes is never wrong.
Nov 9, 2010
If he is legit injured and legit needs surgery, then I'm not going to criticize the guy for not playing through it. If a player plays through an injury, awesome, good guy giving extra to the team. Every players primary responsibility should be their own health and ability to play the game, a sacrifice from that is just bonus.

Not saying Kane doesn't have off ice issues and that he is actually a wonderful teammate, but deciding not to play through an injury anymore isn't a fault.

Oh yea, if it was that bad that he cant play through it and needs surgery, sure, you cant fault him for that. But, he still was playing through it for how long? Then he all of a sudden gets it checked out? The timing of this whole thing is just really bad looking.

I've never played through an injury in hockey, well, competitive high level hockey. I lucked out in HS and never had to deal with any major issues. I have worked through a torn MCL and tried to skate and play hockey with it and it didnt work out well. It sucked, so I cant fault a guy for not wanting to play through pain.

I just find it odd he was playing through the injury and after everything that happened he decides now to stop, it screams selfish player and FU to the team.

Callista Rhian

Registered User
Dec 27, 2014
Land of Ice & Snow
The thing is that outsiders are never going to get "proof" of anything. It's like when you hear that a couple that you are acquainted with but aren't close to are having marital problems. You hear that there are problems, but probably won't get the full account and blow by blow details. People keep their dirty laundry to themselves, and teams are no different.

It's in the best interest of everyone on the team to keep their mouths shut so that it doesn't become a circus. They circle the wagons. We probably would never have heard any of this if Kane had shown up for the game.

This is what pissed me off in the first place. The only reason I'm defending him is because a lot of people here seem to feel that it was unilaterally his fault. We're all fans. None of us have insider information. And yet you people just start slagging off on the guy.

I have in none of my posts said that he was blameless. I might not not call him out in all of them, but I've written enough posts that say he shares the blame.


Registered User
Jan 12, 2014
1) He's been playing his ass off despite being injured

2) He either made an innocent mistake or showed up to a meeting wearing athletic gear, something which doesn't infringe upon a another person or his property

3) Buff (who, by the way, keeps showing up out of shape and who has driven a boat while drunk - something that could have seriously injured others) somehow decided that he was the guy to be handing down punishment and infringed upon his property

4) Kane decides screw it - I've been playing hard despite being injured and you jackasses can't appreciate that? FU.

Did everyone act poorly? Yes. Kane for his immaturity, Buff for his childishness, and management and Ladd for letting it get this out of hand.

Bull, Shane Hnidy was just on the radio talking about everyone in the organization turning a blind eye to his antics. Also said he knew of instances but wouldn't divulge.

Nothing Is New

Registered User
Sep 26, 2011
Great talent but he may be on the verge of throwing it away. I actually think/hope the Jets will pull together with his departure and make the playoffs.. Paul Maurice had been doing a coach-of-the-year level job. But it may be that this Kane fiasco has broken the momentum. I think the team would be better off without him (with a decent return) and that Kane's best hope is a new start with a fresh team wherein he develops a better, less selfish attitude.

Beukeboom Fan

Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
Chicago, IL
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Why the **** would he want to?

Also, there you have it, folks. It was Maurice's decision to scratch him.

Oh, and BTW? I'm neither a Jets fan nor a Kane fan.

If Kane wasn't at the arena, and no one could reach him until an hour before game time, how is that Maurice's decision to scratch him?

Maurice is doing spin control to try and limit the damage. Do you believe everything that is said? MacT- "I see Eakins as a 10 year guy!" You really seem naive about how a lot of the real world actually works.


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