First time post, long time lurker. I think the attitude about Nylander on here is generational. The young posters, the gamers, see flash and a high skill level and immediately think "star". The older more grizzled people (me) know it takes a certain amount of skill for sure but also a good player needs intangibles like courage, tenacity, desire, leadership, a strong will to win. In my opinion Willy lacks, significantly in those area's. Sure once in a while he does display a seeming passion to play hard and win, on those occasions he is a very solid NHLer and an asset to the team. I like him on those nights. That is about 20% of the time. The remaining 80% he is essentially a passenger. You dont win with the Willy Nylanders, its just a fact. 50 years of doing this is a great resource to formulate this opinion. You should be able to flip him for some strong assets and that is what I would do, probably in the off season (unfortunately)