What you see here is the difference between a team like the Jets and a team like the Abominable Snowmen (Avs) or Veggie Cakes (Vegas). Those teams set up shop on the hapless Jets when they want to score and you can see total domination and you know its a matter of time before they score at will and always win the games. Jets on the other hand are always the team that you know is gonna cave for the easy goal, even by the worst in the league...
Unfortunately, by the end of this year its going to be games like this and the last one against the Avs that put this team in 4th or maybe even 5th place in the division. If they make the playoffs at all, they'll squeak in to the playoffs and the AVs will take care of them in 4. They have a good system but weak players who can't get it done under pressure. You need to spend lots of $$$$$$$$$ AND be in a favorable market to win in this league now.