Overall, I'm very, very pleased with the draft.
Even if some picks and some omissions made me scratch my head, I'm very happy with the direction they took and seem to have gradually taken in the last three years (Staum and Pezzetta aside). Meaning, they picked upside and skill.
The USHS picks bother me a bit for two reasons: 1. I don't know them (I tried, but it's painful) 2. Without having done statistical research, I have reservations of the general success of players picked out of the USHS. My general impression is, save some exceptions, it's pretty brutal.
That said, Kotkaniemi and Ylonen are my two favorite picks in years. Absolutely love both of those players. I was hoping for Berggren+Ylonen with our first two seconds, but I'm fine with one of the two.
Olofsson, Hillis, Fonstad and McShane were all good value. Wish we had taken a chance on Zhuravlyov and Shafigullin however. Wise, too.
Romanov, I'm lukewarm on. I'll rewatch some of his games, because I clearly missed something. But, the team looked enthused at the fact he was there and if there's something they do well, it's drafting defensemen. I'm just hoping it's one more for their batting average and not a Beaulieu/Fisher/Tinordi.
Houde was a garbage pick.