Not dirty, he's reckless. Always looked sloppy and just as likely to hurt himself as he is likely to hurt an opponent.
Agreed, but it's also easy to argue that's dirty.
I don't think he's dirty from the sense that he goes out looking to hurt people, I just think he's always played on the edge since he's come into the league. Big hitters that hit a lot are going to piss people off no matter what. The only problem with Brown is imo that he's now been in the league long enough and had enough borderline incidents with at least one dirty (suspendable) play thrown in that he doesn't get the benefit of the doubt from anyone on anything. It's no wonder that when his "history" gets thrown out there that 7 of the 9 clips are of plays that would be nothing if they were anyone else. Seriously, checking Roussel's stick into his face? Hitting Murray as he dove forward? Unfortunate, but not dirty.
Also, since this thread will surely be a bug zapper for opposing fans, just going to leave this here:
2) Trolling: Do not make posts or threads with the sole purpose of starting a dispute.
Note that a person disagreeing with your opinion is NOT trolling; please keep it civil, even if you're sure the other person is wrong. When visiting the team forums, please note that they are fan forums for that team and are here mainly for the enjoyment of that team's fans. Do not visit team forums to cheer against nor demean their team. In other words, if you want to cheer for the Habs and criticize the Bruins, do it on the Habs board. And if someone is doing the opposite on the Bruins board, don't start flaming them to defend the honor of your team. Either ignore it or respectfully disagree and move on. Wishing illness or injury on someone will almost always be regarded as trolling or offensive. We do not permit any forums to be used to demean/insult the fans of other teams. That is considered trolling. Copying posts from one HFBoard team forum to another for this purpose is considered trolling.
Edit: I also don't want to dismiss 'reckless' as if it's harmless. It may not be dirty by the malicious sense, but being a sloppy hitter obviously has bad implications, as well.
Side note for Kings fans, as well, just for some context outside of our board: the polls board rang up a ~75% in favor of DB being dirty, IIRC. can't find the link right now, though.