Sure, but I didn’t say children.Teams wouldn't elect children to be their captains, and yet it's not unusual for a 20 something to be chosen. Theyre men, regardless of how old that makes you feel to admit it lol
You also don't need to be in your 30s to realize maybe you should listen to a guy who's been in your business for 90% of your life. That kind of attitude is fostered when you've grown up so far with little to no discipline or accountability.
The more guidance the better from vets, that goes without saying.
It has no bearing on my age, it’s just the simply realities of age and development. I mean we can all see how coaches have changed over the years in terms of treating players, and we all know how ‘hard we all had it growing up’ and how coddled todays youth are today etc… Of course this classic mindset colours how we look at things.
Add in the envy of vast wealth and you have an ingrained disconnect that facilitates a lack of compassion and caring. We don’t care that they are young people, we simply want results on the scoreboard!
Young 20 somethings tend to have very little experience dealing with adversity, are not often in situations where they face vast and loud public criticism, and are very much still in the midst of growing emotionally, and figuring out who they are as individuals. That is just the reality of the age group. They aren’t cripples, they are simply developing. Pretending it isn’t so doesn’t really help. They aren’t kids, but they aren’t grown-ass men either. Expectations should be realistic and mature as the players do.
The context here is that the kid pushed back at shitty fan behaviour in the media. It’s not exactly the type of behaviour that would be frowned upon in most contexts if you think about it. In fact it’s only frowned upon here because ‘we’ were the ones he pushed back at. Consider the irony. No one is advocating for coddling them, it’s more like make allowances for the brashness and the fiery emotions of youth. And if you dish it, be prepared to take it.
The whole thing about not trying, sulking, not buying in stuff is lame. The guys are absolutely listening to Martin and Alfie, they just aren’t executing at a speed and level that many Sens fans want to see. The transition hasn’t been seamless to say the least, and all that fan emotion has to be placed somewhere, and excuses must be made.
Whatever, I’ve never been able to change a single heart or mind in here over the decade plus I’ve been here. Ain’t gonna happen now either! Haha
I think I need a hug.