Did Mackinnon win the Hart because of pro Canadian Bias

Did Canada award Mackinnon unfairly?

  • Yes

    Votes: 55 31.8%
  • No but I am Canadian/ Avs fan

    Votes: 35 20.2%
  • No but I promise I’m unbiased

    Votes: 83 48.0%

  • Total voters


Registered User
Jan 24, 2010
Los Angeles
No, he didn't. But this thread will still be used as a therapy session for certain posters.

Claims of Hart-winning bias are absurd, given the last few decades of voting history. Before this year's controversial (lol) win, you couldn't name me a sinlgle Canadian player in the last 30 years who won the Hart over a more-deserving European. You just can't.

Funny enough, the closest Hart race in the last 20 years (2012-13) was won by a Russian who beat out a Canadian who was clearly better than him that year. But, yeah, bias!


Registered User
Mar 12, 2010
I think it had more to do with MackInnon being a finalist 4 times before more than anything. Not to say he wasn't deserving this year, but I'm sure the voters wanted to make sure he got his after missing out so many times.

Pretty much. As mentioned early, if the reverse was true and MacKinnon had won the Hart in 2018 and Kucherov somehow didn’t win in 2019, the voting almost certainly would have changed. It would have been interesting if both had won before, though I get the feeling it would have been Kucherov simply because of the point lead over 2nd on the team (which is pretty lazy but the voters frequently are lazy).

Narratives are far more important than biases in voting. Canadian bias exists but I don’t believe it really impacts award voting at this point. 14 of the last 30 Hart winners aren’t Canadian


Registered User
Jun 30, 2010
obviously bias, but no. Kucherov could have won but the only thing he really had going was having 4 more points and reaching 100 assists (which is impressive from a historic standpoint for sure)
Mack just had a much more balanced season overall. You look at any advanced metrics, both defensively and offensively, Mackinnon’s season was just better. He was actually one of the better defensive players this season.
Most analytics tend to favor finishing and play driving, so it’s not always perfect, but it definitely gives you a pretty solid idea.

Overall Mackinnon was the better player IMO, if the criteria was “who had the most historic season” then it should go to Kuch, but that’s obviously not the case.
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Registered User
Feb 26, 2015
So you're saying biases exists? Wow, looking forward to seeing what other first year undergraduate topics you have to expound upon. Maybe the intersectionality of biases and the much feared old boys club. Because I'm sure that it really makes a difference to Canadian hockey writers whether or not Nathan MacKinnon gets a Hart trophy and becomes the 73rd (or whatever it is) Canadian to do so.

Nope, I'm specifically saying that cultural biases exists, and plays a part for voters for these awards.

Is your last name Kruger btw? 😊


Trix Are For Kids
Jan 3, 2006
MacKinnon was due.

If Kucherov had never won an Art Ross or Hart, I think the narrative would've been completely different this season.

But the voters have been wanting to give MacKinnon a major individual award for a while and this was his season.

So there was definitely some narratives at play here, but it wasn't a pro-Canadian bias.

It was a combination of voter fatigue, popularity and media narratives.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2017
No, he lost because the narrative that MacK "was due," couldn't be overcome.


HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 25, 2006
Isn’t McDavid more popular Canadian? They would have given it to him if this was a Canadian bias


107 and counting
Feb 16, 2012
MacKinnon deserved it, he had the best season. Kucherov scored more points because he set the NHL record for EN points despite being one of the worst defensive players in the league.


12/18/23 and beyond!
Jan 22, 2010
It was close between 3-4 guys, and Mac was the only one that didnt have a major individual trophy. Being Canadian had nothing to do with it, but it certainly screams 'lifetime acheivment award' IMO.


Registered User
Mar 27, 2017
I think Russian bias was a small factor, but I think the bigger factor was the media's desire to give a trophy to Mack because "he was due". After years of talking him up as one of the best in the game despite him never him winning an individual trophy they had their chance to give him one, and being a good old Canadian boy certainly didn't hurt.

Had Mack won the year Hall won, I think this vote would have gone to Kuch because by every metric they've used for this award in the past Kuch was the logical choice.
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