SladeWilson23 I keep my promises. Sponsor Nov 3, 2014 27,167 3,698 New Jersey Yesterday at 9:09 PM #751 Yea Palat!
jkrdevil UnRegistered User Apr 24, 2006 43,805 14,469 Miami Yesterday at 9:09 PM #753 Hold onto your butts now.
njdevils1982 Hell Toupée!!! Sep 8, 2006 41,089 29,662 North of Toronto Yesterday at 9:09 PM #755 turns, burns
Zajacs Bowl Cut Lets Go Baby Nov 6, 2005 73,605 48,901 PA Yesterday at 9:09 PM #757 LOL @ Burns getting dummied by Palat there hahahaha
JimEIV Registered User Feb 19, 2003 68,223 31,541 Yesterday at 9:09 PM #758 Ok. Let's get another one Reactions: Blender
Louskoolaid89 Let's Go!!! Oct 14, 2017 3,406 4,243 Yesterday at 9:09 PM #759 Palat has been watching Noesen and saying to himself. "I can do that".
Saugus Ecrasez l'infame! Sponsor Jun 17, 2009 106,303 15,318 Connecticut Yesterday at 9:09 PM #760 Sneaky push off by Palat to move Burns and be open for that tap in. Veteran move.
jkrdevil UnRegistered User Apr 24, 2006 43,805 14,469 Miami Yesterday at 9:09 PM #762 Woof Reactions: Louskoolaid89
youryeah Registered User Jun 21, 2019 2,136 3,164 Yesterday at 9:10 PM #763 oh thats brutal.. needed to be cleared in the first place
Bleedred #InstagramHockey Sponsor May 1, 2011 135,137 65,951 Yesterday at 9:10 PM #764 There's the Jake Allen we all know and love That one CAN'T GO IN. It just CAN'T. Jake the drain snake. Reactions: Dialamo and Louskoolaid89
There's the Jake Allen we all know and love That one CAN'T GO IN. It just CAN'T. Jake the drain snake.
Dialamo Fire Rogalski Hire Pepe Sponsor Jul 7, 2007 10,845 7,725 Montreal, QC, Canada Yesterday at 9:10 PM #765 The asking price for Palat is 2 firsts now.
Saugus Ecrasez l'infame! Sponsor Jun 17, 2009 106,303 15,318 Connecticut Yesterday at 9:10 PM #766 We can’t have nice things.
Zajacs Bowl Cut Lets Go Baby Nov 6, 2005 73,605 48,901 PA Yesterday at 9:10 PM #768 f***in YIKES goaltending Reactions: Dialamo and Bleedred
SJinNewJersey Every single one of us, the devil inside Dec 21, 2017 11,539 15,259 New Jersey Yesterday at 9:10 PM #769 Reactions: Saugus
Peter Sidorkiewicz Devils Army Sponsor Oct 22, 2002 9,649 4,341 Yesterday at 9:10 PM #772 Should of had that one Jake
NJDevs26 Once upon a time... Mar 21, 2007 68,864 34,739 Yesterday at 9:10 PM #773 How do you allow this again? These f***faces are never as strong as they are just after giving one up
How do you allow this again? These f***faces are never as strong as they are just after giving one up
Cheddabombs Status Quo Mar 13, 2012 25,919 35,577 Yesterday at 9:10 PM #774 Paloot giveth & Paloot taketh away Gotta get it out there Reactions: Saugus
MB3 Registered User Jan 30, 2023 1,073 1,968 Yesterday at 9:10 PM #775 my f***ing god what a softie Reactions: Dialamo