All I did was list the odds, why does that upset you so much? As far as "precise percentage" goes, I also stated that it's not an exact science, did you miss that part?
I just said that I agree with their listed top contenders - COL on top with TOR, CAR, FLA and TB being in the next tier. Not sure why this upsets some of you and it's pretty telling that y'all just whine about it but when challenged to say who you think the top contenders are if the bookies got it wrong, you have no answer. Sounds like you know perfectly well that those are the best teams, you just can't bring yourself to admit it for some strange reason.
If you want to question the legitimacy of vegas odd makers you are more than welcome to start a thread specifically for that topic, or you can discuss it here if you like. Seems pretty strange to question this though, you do realize that sportsbooks are basically a licence to print money. In very broad terms, you could say their profit margin is about 5% so that's their margin of error. Nobody can say precisely what the odds are but I think it's reasonable that the lines they post are almost always within that 5% margin of error.
LOL, you're funny. People criticize the team every day, hell I'm one of them. It's not all bad though and the fact remains that we have one of the best teams in the league and despite our miserable playoff history, we are still one of the top contenders. Why does this bother you so much?
Keeping the core intact and tweaking the rest of the roster is what most teams do and when they finally break through and win the cup, doing the same thing year after year and getting a different result is exactly what happens.
Not saying they shouldn't consider making a major change, just that keeping the core intact is not guaranteed to fail either.