Commissioner Callagraves, I'd like to call attention to this bet, as the Rangers did indeed win a playoff series. I've contacted Kershaw, who now wants to put the bet off until summer.
I await your counsel.
Hi, I'm Callagraves from the Department of Avatar Wagers. On April 27, 2013, in a thread titled "Player Discussion: Derick Brassard", an Avatar Bet was proposed on, and agreed to by posters Schabadoo and Kershaw.
The nature of the bet is ongoing, as the more rounds the Rangers win, the longer the time-period which Kershaw must keep up any Avatar of Schabadoo's choosing. With the Rangers completion of the first round and advancement into the 2nd, Schabadoo's first plateau, choosing Kershaw's avatar for 3 months, has been met.
User Kershaw has requested that Schabadoo's winnings not be put into effect until summer, which was not in the previous arrangement. However, despite that the Rangers next series will without question complete with in the next 3 months, the Avatar bet does not typically finish until all possibilities have been eliminated.
To Review:
1. This Avatar Bet is one of an ongoing nature
2. The time at which the effect of the bet is to take place was previously undecided
3. Neither poster has a prior history of backing out of bets, despite it being implied that Kershaw may have a slight tendency toward gambling.
The Department of Avatar Wagers has decided that Schabadoo's avatar of choice will be adopted by Kershaw upon the Rangers' elimination or acquisition of the Stanley Cup. In the meantime, Kershaw will not be able to partake in any Avatar bets that could interfere with the timeline of the bet in question.