The weird thing is that I’m not even sure anyone who objects to this approach has made the claim that Andersson has blown the doors off. It’s typically focused on how he compares to others who have been given longer leashes despite looking as bad, or worse at times.
I’ve found that the more that type of question is raised, the less conviction the pushback tends to have. I think for a lot of people, even on some subconscious level, there’s an element of, “You know what? I really can’t explain it or fully defend it. It is a little a weird.”
At the end of the day they might not have as big of a problem with it as others, but I get the sense that they see it too on some level.
Then there’s the people who just don’t like Andersson period and this whole thing is just right in their wheelhouse. I think they’re definitely the minority. A very vocal minority, and I suspect some of them have multiple accounts, but a minority nonetheless.