eco's bones
Registered User
To be clear, I'm in the minority amongst Ranger fans on this, but I see a lot of sense in spinning Schneider this summer. I like the kid a lot, but it comes down to two ways of viewing this team's roster. Most of the fans (myself included) want to move Trouba the second the NMC turns into a m-NTC and move Scheider up to the 2nd pair. Between naming him captain, the bump in the cap coming up, and just based on previous comments/decisions by NYR brass, I just don't think they see Trouba as an albatross. If you look at if from the (likely) point of view of NYR management, in a world where Fox and Trouba are going to be around for several years on the first and second pair, then suddenly we have a problem.
When you have a young guy on the 3rd pair and he's completely blocked for a bit, he's either going to stagnate from lack of opportunity or earn a salary that doesn't make sense for a guy deployed in a 3rd pair role. The longer he's stuck there, the less value he's going to have.
Considering the stated needs of both teams, I really do think the most logical move is to do something around Schneids and Mittelstadt. Buffalo has a wealth of young centers coming up and could use a good young RD. The Rangers are swimming in wingers but have no centers of note in the system. Trading Schneider and replacing him with someone like Robertson or a FA 3rd pair guy WILL hurt the 3rd pair, but suddenly the Rangers would be three lines deep. Mittelstadt's defensive play would improve team D in a big way. If Chytil can come back, he could be pushed to the RW, solving that issue as well.
It just makes a lot of sense to me.
I don't want to move Trouba either.