What could we expect from a team which has chosen the worst song in the entire long and sad history of stupid songs as their goal horn? I've just read the female "singer" featuring on that song is currently selling her used panties, so maybe some of the dudes will make himself happy.
OK, now seriously: The crazy strategy for the QF wasn't the main issue for me. They could either play like this and have at least some, albeit minimal, chances for success, or try to play a "normal" game and lose 2-10 or similar. The main problem was the game vs. Slovakia, which was certnainly winnable but the team was just playing too bad, and then the game vs. Sweden, where they were playing good, but the naïve coach's mistake which caused the 2men advantage for Sweden cost us the game. Against the US it was apparent that they had approximately 0,5 % chances, and I am even OK with the strategy, unlike some experts. It is still a competition, the goal should be to play the way that gives you at least some chance to win, not "lose with dignity". I am not buying this cliché.
All in all, this team was not strong in particular, there weren't many really talented players. But even considering this, they should have been better in the tournament.