Hangman's bookie.... Always bet against him.
You dismissed me with the same kind of statement months ago when the NHLPA said they didn’t like mullet… or much the same about Tempe, and Tempe’s referendum…..or any of the other Dozens of failures the market has had over the years….so forgive me if i don’t really think you have a critical analysis of the issue.
Back then Salt Lake City and Atlanta weren't in the discussion.... they are now.
in my mind it 100% changes things.
Well.... you'll have to forgive me when I say you've randomly popping into here over the years when things seem to be bad and you might finally be right on something.
is it The CAUSe? no.
You certainly think it was important enough to make a whole post on it.
but it indicates that just like Tempe, Murello had more hurdles to jump than maybe people believed, and again, when you have places begging for franchises and are trying to grow the game, another mounting public political squabble, and possible legal/legislative battle in a bad market, who continuously say a loud collective “NO” to pro hockey…,that , that might be the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Oh no...... everyone was aware of the hurdles.
I was all for Tempe having that public referendum and even if it did go down I still feel it was the right thing. The Coyotes just failed getting their message across.
And btw..... that vote wasn't about hockey..... it was about TAXES. Same group that fought TED, weeks later went after Glendale for the same thing on a hotel/resort currently under construction. But if you want to spin it that way, fine.