Hangman's bookie.... Always bet against him.
Is it trending towards what was originally envisioned? I remember someone posted a picture of the 3D model of the Westgate plan. It also had a bunch of high-end condos. I haven't followed Glendale since the Coyotes left. I remember Top Golf, Tanger, Matel, and the resort coming in.
I saw the original model in person.
BTW.... VIA Resort (and Mattel Theme Park) just pushed their opening date back again to "2025."
There was a LOT more planned for the surrounding area. At least a dozen big projects and none of them came about when the recession hit. USA Basketball was to move their HQ and training facilities there... the site is a big furniture outlet now. Cardinals were going to build two 20 story office buildings and that is now a stadium parking lot. IKEA was going to come in and then cancelled.
There's still developing going on. Just not on the scale that was originally planned.