I mean... yeah, probably. That's what I get for watching Futurama while typing a post, I suppose. lol
So, is this truly and really the end? after all these years and forum topics? This is a day I thought I would never see........
Dissent is in the offering in Salt Lake City.
Opinion: If Ryan Smith can’t afford his own entertainment district, I have no choice but to assume he is poor
“We’re all facing challenges in these hard economic times, Ryan, whether that means figuring out where our next rent check is coming from or how to use public money to create an enormous new income stream that will fundamentally change downtown SLC.”www.sltrib.com
I'm shocked.Works for me and I’m not a subscriber.
Nutshell…. it’s an opinion piece calling into question Ryan Smith asking the city for a billion dollars via a sales tax increase just so he can build and take over three downtown city blocks of Salt Lake City for his sole benefit. Or he’ll threaten to take his teams to another location in the state.
Your typical “billionaire wants the public to make him richer” article.
Former Glendale Mayor Scruggs says she's happy Arizona Coyotes found a new home in Utah
Source (Audio and Transcript Highlights): fronterasdesk.org/content/1881684/former-glendale-mayor-scruggs-says-shes-happy-arizona-coyotes-found-new-home-utah
So what is Westgate like now? I remember in 09-13 before it was foreclosed and got new owners it wasn't close to being built out.And Glendale some 21 years later is still trying to recover from her ‘vision’ of a west valley metro center.
It’s been growing out but it’s never coming close to what Steve Ellman originally planned. Maybe 50-60% of the original concept.So what is Westgate like now? I remember in 09-13 before it was foreclosed and got new owners it wasn't close to being built out.
Meurelo made his intentions to bid public. Why can’t other bidders do the same?Interesting part is...... that's information that's not supposed to be passed out by anyone.
First off, I L L!I’d be legitimately surprised if he’s the biggest bidder even recognizing that he was basically given a billion dollar interest-free loan by the NHL if he actually wants back in.
Meurelo made his intentions to bid public. Why can’t other bidders do the same?
Or the bidders contacted him and said he could make it known?Meruelo himself did not, he just had to apply for the land, which became a public issue when a reporter for the Arizona Republic (who follows the activities of state departments) discovered the connection some seven months after the application was submitted and wrote an article on it. It was a month or so after when Meruelo (through Xavier Gutierrez) acknowledged they had submitted the application.
There was an issue with all this when Craig Morgan reported how someone close to the proceedings reached out and told him the application was going to be approved BEFORE it was. That sparked a reaction from a couple of local politicos that a state law regarding disclosure was breached.
Arizona has some pretty tight laws when it comes to these things. If a bidder wants to come out publicly they can. But Rodier obviously got this info from someone else, possibly from inside and if that’s the case then they’re potentially risking jail time if caught.
Swing and a miss.I’d be legitimately surprised if he’s the biggest bidder even recognizing that he was basically given a billion dollar interest-free loan by the NHL if he actually wants back in.
Is it trending towards what was originally envisioned? I remember someone posted a picture of the 3D model of the Westgate plan. It also had a bunch of high-end condos. I haven't followed Glendale since the Coyotes left. I remember Top Golf, Tanger, Matel, and the resort coming in.It’s been growing out but it’s never coming close to what Steve Ellman originally planned. Maybe 50-60% of the original concept.
He loses this and it's realistically over for him because there's absolutely no way he can meet that 5-year deadline otherwise IMO.Or the bidders contacted him and said he could make it known?
Regardless if Meurelo loses this bid I wonder if that puts him out on having dibs on expansion?