I'm suppose to fly to Houston on Wednesday. Hopefully trump doesnt ban domestic travel...
I'd probably be more likely to get corona virus staying in nyc.I wouldn't go
Try living with your widowmaker artery completely blocks and the other 3 60-50-40 % blocked ...and Type 2 Diabetes to go with it . So far so good...but this is a bit stressing for sure .I’ve got ulcerative colitis...wonder how autoimmune diseases which cause systemic inflammation will be affected by this virus...luckily since I went vegan my u.c. Has been in remission..but it’s still worrisome.
True. But we have fewer smokers which *should* help (17% versus 27%). Also we're not testing everyone with symptoms which SK is, so our numbers would be artificially somewhat inflated
I’ll allow it.We should do GDTs for Jeopardy.
Especially during a period when people aren’t gonna want to leave the house lol. Drugs?How the f*** am I supposed to get by without sports?
And alcoholEspecially during a period when people aren’t gonna want to leave the house lol. Drugs?
Alls the drugs.Especially during a period when people aren’t gonna want to leave the house lol. Drugs?
What do you think alcohol is, a vitamin?And alcohol
I have over 100 can's, 60 bottles of craft beer, a fully stocked bar, and a theater room with all the movie channels and streaming services needed. I could do food delivery ordering Kevin McAllister style. I can Howard Hughes myself for a month or two and be legit happy. I'd invite you over but...you know....coronavirus...
Go vegan.Try living with your widowmaker artery completely blocks and the other 3 60-50-40 % blocked ...and Type 2 Diabetes to go with it . So far so good...but this is a bit stressing for sure .
Anyone know if the players will be getting paid? Could the NHL have some kind of force majeure? Hardly against employees, right?
I'd have to put you in quarantine for 14 days but then you could come in! ....oh maybe we can start it like fight club. It'll be called "Sloth Club".I'm on my way
I'm from Houston. I can't imagine any possible pleasure here unless you're talking about the endless amount of strip clubs and massage parlors. This city is pretty dull. Now Austin on the other hand....
You're right. Austin is awesome. I suggest going during SXSW...oh wait...I'm from Houston. I can't imagine any possible pleasure here unless you're talking about the endless amount of strip clubs and massage parlors. This city is pretty dull. Now Austin on the other hand....