The thing that kills me (beyond the anti-vax stuff, but I won't even touch that) are the people that are like, 100% I'm-vaccinated-and-never-wearing-a-mask-again. What's the big f***ing deal? I mean I've been wearing masks for the better part of a year and a half at this point. They don't even bother me anymore. I understand the frustration of people who have to work all day while wearing a mask, but like, is it such a hassle to have to put on a mask entering a restaurant to be seated, keep it on for five minutes until your chips and salsa come out, then take it off and resume your normal dinner? I just don't get it.
My wife's boss is apoplectic that kids are going to have to wear masks in school to start the school year. She's saying she'll pull her kid out if not offered the option for remote learning. I mean, can you imagine that? Her kid is 10, it's not like he's 2 and cries because he has to wear a mask. This woman is so adamantly opposed to masks, because freedom, that she'd rather make her kid sit at home away from all his peers for another year, than have guy wear a mask. It's absolutely crazy.
I was at the doctor this morning. Of course, you wear a mask. It occurred to me as I was in the reception area and there was this skeezy-looking guy coughing up a lung, "Masks are a pretty solid idea, I may wear masks in doctors' offices forever now." I mean really. Other than those uninformed crazies that have turned mask mandates into some sort of personal constitutional crisis, I just don't get why anyone really cares at this point. Don't people want this shit to go away? Isn't that the whole point? None of us WANT to wear masks or any of that, but it's being done now so we don't have to later. Some people can't see the forest for the trees, I guess.