I actually think Florida might have reported LOWER daily test totals because it fits the political narrative down there. Just like some numbers *might* have been over-reported in places where the political/financial narrative fit that. I'm really not picking sides here, you are.
I have a strong background in clinical research, I'm not talking out of my ass. When I was a bright eyed naive youth I saw many a doctor adjust hypothesis to fit the data, leave out numbers that didn't fit the paper. Big Pharma is the biggest culprit with this as well, it kills me. So I learned not to trust everything I read. It sucks and was a very hard lesson. It's important to understand how to read research to spot the weaknesses, deficiencies, and biases. And EVEN then you can only catch a % of it.
And yes EVERYTHING MIGHT BE bullshit. The incentives are astounding to show results and numbers fitting a narrative. FOR BOTH SIDES. The difference between me and you is I'm not taking a side here. You feel that I am because I question your gods and faith and that makes you upset with me, but trust me conservatives hate me too because I question their BS and statements based on shit, just as strongly, if not more so.
I'd go take a look at the southern COVID threads but I'm worried my head would explode from the conservative narrative. I'm in NY so it just happens to be mostly liberal posts I take on and try to 'debunk', but it happens to be there's generally less BS in the liberal narrative than conservative (though both have their fair share).