Ah, the good old Joe Rogan council of elders plan. I tend to agree. The world is far too complex for one person to manage, it’s insane that we still have that one guy, regardless of what his mandate actually is.
That said, while he is certainly not solely responsible, he absolutely is responsible in some degree. He is actually on record as saying “I don’t take responsibility at all”. That’s just so crazy I almost don’t even know what to say.
Realistically, a leader’s only job is to insulate his people from distractions and problems, empower them, and ultimately enable them to succeed. Leaders in all walks of life are constantly forced to step down for things that happen in their organization, and even though they often aren’t directly involved, they take responsibility and suffer the consequences. It’s part of the job.
He directly, verbatim quote, said that he takes no responsibility at all. That’s so insanely toxic and misguided and violates every tenet of leadership. The guy takes all of the credit for success and none of the responsibility for failure. Imagine if he was your boss.