Okay, so:
1) Yes, then you did pull it completely out of thin air and it's definitely safe to say you'd be a tad bias in conducting your assessment/investigating/whatever you wanna call it. C'mon now.
No, I came to that based on inconclusive and anecdotal research. That's different from pulling it out of thin air.
2) I wasn't really apart of this argument so I never said teachers weren't impacted/at risk. Nor would I. But I'm not understanding your argument that teachers are anywhere near the top in the current situation. That sure seems to be your argument. To me, that demonstrates a complete lack of self awareness and empathy. So what if you teach in a 30 person room? Most offices are confined spaces with even more people. Offices get crushed by the flu all the time because employees have kids (partially). How is that any different?
Teachers catch illnesses like Ovechkin scores goals.
You live under a rock if this is news to you.
the people getting screwed the most here are pretty clearly medical staff and grocery store workers. And at least one of those groups gets a decent wage.
Then comes everyone else. Distantly behind.
Agreed 100%
I saw you also complained about having to convert your lectures to online. Man, what do you think everyone else in the working world that is now teleworking is doing? A lot of people have to make drastic changes to how they conduct their day job in the current situation.
Did I say I had it harder than everyone else? I'm just saying I haven't had it easy in response to somebody who said I did, which by your own admission, you probably didn't read.
You think teachers, most of which are GUARANTEED to get paid in full during this endeavor while working safely remotely, are among the most impacted groups of people? Not those who lost their jobs? Not those who had their wages reduced? Not those working, but terrified they might get laid off if people can't return to work shortly? Not those working on the front lines interacting with hundreds of people EVERYDAY?
Never said anything close to any of this. Read the f***ing thread or don't comment in it.