I don't care how tough you think you are.Fear is pathetic
He founded social security.Not even FDR said sit on your ass and collect a check.
This is pathetic
He founded social security.
Nobody's really disagreeing with that.Fair enough.
But you had to work to pay into it.
And if you strictly need to live off it-life aint to good.
Again. Far better to create opportunity than dependence.
Not even FDR said sit on your ass and collect a check.
This is pathetic
Here's the thing... he's not a king, so he needs a bill on his desk. Nobody should worry about paying bills and 'let's not talk about the cost?' How do those two things go together? That's not rational. You're plan of shutting down everything and having no bills make zero sense.
Also, it's funny... some folks here are saying it's all about the 1% and his buddies. He wants to get the economy going so he and his rich friends can make money. The 1% that some like to demonize is not at risk of losing houses, losing jobs, and having childcare. It's the low to middle class that will struggle most. The stock market decline will effect a lot of peoples retirement.
I just think this communistic approach to basically turning everything including a disease outbreak into class warfare is a dangerous road to go down.
The hanging meat may have contributed to the spread but Italians are also famous for their social interactions surrounding food. Meals are more often shared than eaten alone. No one sits in front of a tv with a plate on their lap. Coffee is rarely taken to go rather you sit at a cafe and sip it surrounded by other patrons. My point is, and you should know this as a sociologist, it will be a number of factors and not just one.
Nobody's really disagreeing with that.
All I'm saying is maybe let's "git 'er done" after the pandemic. Common sense.
I'm not opposed to short term stimulus payments made to Americans for the exact reasons @Machinehead said. We are in the middle of an unprecedented global event. There is a difference between those kind of payments (which has been done before under a republican president FWIW), and a long term UBI that I am deathly afraid Speaker Pelosi's plan is setting the stage for. I'm not interested in debating the merits of a UBI because I don't think that can be had without being political but my fear is that UBI is going to be seen as the remedy to the massive unemployment that stems from a long term shut down.
Like I said, I am in a conflicted spot. I don't want to see our economy tank and we can't afford financially to stay closed to long. However, the ramifications of not taking this seriously enough can be equally, if not more dire in the long term. I don't know what the right move is.
Gun to my head, I'd probably lean towards being cautious and staying closed off longer. But I don't feel great about it.
Listening on US media there is so much talk about testing.
I’ve heard many claim that testing more or less become irrelevant pretty fast, but that seems lost in the US debate and it’s hard to not wonder if some of that has to do with the criticism of Trump for the late start to the testing got some traction. But one doesn’t have to do with the other, the more you can test early, the better. But when it’s out, many top experts claims that it’s not super important (while others do). And it kind of make sense. It’s like testing a doctor. If he/she didn’t have it 11.30 am, what is to say that he/she didn’t get it 3.30 pm? I know that GB and Sweden for example have removed resources from testing to treating for that very reason.
Like looking at the US (like NY state)— it’s not South Korea. It is not going to be able to test almost everyone. Maybe Sweden potentially could have tested a ton, but GB? Never. Some states in the US maybe. And if enough people have it — a test is just a confirmation of a historic event. Someone was healthy 4 hours ago, but 4 hours later? It’s anybody’s guess again.
What you can do under those circumstances is (a) do everything possible and then some to keep the virus out of homes for elderly people, because in a home of 50 you could end up sending 30 to the intensive care and the intensive care spots are very limited, this has been a big disaster in Italy. No visitation. Extremely careful personnel. (b) You can in an as controlled phase as possible build up immunity in the population by letting people get the virus and recover from it. You are not getting it again.
If we all get it, let's say, in New York State and it carries an extremely low fatality rate of 0.5%, that's 95,000 dead.Folks keep extending the goalpost.
First it was 4 weeks.
Some want to push it 18 months.
The critter is in the wild.
We will all be exposed and over 90% show no or little symptoms.
The longer its dragged out the more powerful government will become.
The states still have the authority to place restrictions and hopefully Cuomo sticks with it.
States that listen to Trump are going to be absolutely clotheslined by this.
lets play devils advocate. not everyone is going to get it even if we just went about our normal lives tomorrow. it just doesn't happen that way. I am 45 years old and have worked in schools for over 15 years and I have never gotten the flu in my life. I am much more cognizant of germs in especially the winter time and make sure to take the care of hand washing and all that stuff. I would take my chances out there. I would love things to open back up in a week. But honestly, if it's not back to normal by the end of April, you may as well just keep us all inside through the end of the year because if keeping 90% of people inside their homes for a month and a half cannot make a deep dent in this thing, then what is?If we all get it, let's say, in New York State and it carries an extremely low fatality rate of 0.5%, that's 95,000 dead.
That's 9/11 about 31 times.
"Most cases are mild so it isn't a big deal" becomes a big deal if we just let people get it.
lets play devils advocate. not everyone is going to get it even if we just went about our normal lives tomorrow. it just doesn't happen that way. I am 45 years old and have worked in schools for over 15 years and I have never gotten the flu in my life. I am much more cognizant of germs in especially the winter time and make sure to take the care of hand washing and all that stuff. I would take my chances out there. I would love things to open back up in a week. But honestly, if it's not back to normal by the end of April, you may as well just keep us all inside through the end of the year because if keeping 90% of people inside their homes for a month and a half cannot make a deep dent in this thing, then what is?
wouldn't quarantining the high risk people accomplish the same thing, while everyone else can go on with their lives? or is it, we cannot order only some people to stay home so we must make everyone stay home? eventually if the high risk people stay away, everyone else who gets it asymptomatically or minor will infect each other, be done with it, and then it ends anyway in a few months right? too simplistic?People are walking around with this asymptomatic or with minor symptoms---some might not even know they have it---yet they can pass it to someone else and kill them unwittingly. I don't know about other people but it's a goal of mine to do the least amount of real harm possible to other people while I'm still living and breathing. Give people their space.
So don't pay your bills or deplete your bank account--wait for that stimulus check to come along. There are going to be millions and millions of others doing the same. I figure there is likely going to be more than one of those stimulus checks because this is going to last a while and people are going to need to buy food and the lights are going to have to stay on or there will just be chaos. Politicians at least for the most party understand that and however much some of them may resent helping out ordinary people (and some of them do a lot) without us they are nothing. So they will bend if they have to.
you missed the point.yes because 5 weeks till the end of april is the same as 9 months till the end of the year. extremely strong and rational logic