Listening on US media there is so much talk about testing.
I’ve heard many claim that testing more or less become irrelevant pretty fast, but that seems lost in the US debate and it’s hard to not wonder if some of that has to do with the criticism of Trump for the late start to the testing got some traction. But one doesn’t have to do with the other, the more you can test early, the better. But when it’s out, many top experts claims that it’s not super important (while others do). And it kind of make sense. It’s like testing a doctor. If he/she didn’t have it 11.30 am, what is to say that he/she didn’t get it 3.30 pm? I know that GB and Sweden for example have removed resources from testing to treating for that very reason.
Like looking at the US (like NY state)— it’s not South Korea. It is not going to be able to test almost everyone. Maybe Sweden potentially could have tested a ton, but GB? Never. Some states in the US maybe. And if enough people have it — a test is just a confirmation of a historic event. Someone was healthy 4 hours ago, but 4 hours later? It’s anybody’s guess again.
What you can do under those circumstances is (a) do everything possible and then some to keep the virus out of homes for elderly people, because in a home of 50 you could end up sending 30 to the intensive care and the intensive care spots are very limited, this has been a big disaster in Italy. No visitation. Extremely careful personnel. (b) You can in an as controlled phase as possible build up immunity in the population by letting people get the virus and recover from it. You are not getting it again.