doesn’t that say a lot though? Blame the Government in the opening then make two legit points in which Americans still don’t listen regardless. Early or late, the message is out there yet so many go about their business. Isn’t that a “bungled” reaction?
so many want to point blame yet aren’t accountable themselves (not the op) but those flooding Disney, flooding the bars, going to restaurants, etc.
Had the government taken this seriously a month or two ago, the message would be more widespread and people would be acting more appropriately now. Instead, the country has basically had to turn on a dime and somewhat unbelievably, it nearly has. But you are obviously not going to do that fully with 350 Million people. Still, since the NBA shutdown, less than a week ago, the change has been dramatic and impressive, despite the President's continued attempts to downplay this (sans today).
The Federal Government, and specifically the President, very easily could have been projecting concern and caution about this stuff for over a month. Preparing Americans for what was to come. Instead, it was downplayed and led Americans (including many I know) to have a false sense of security when this was so clearly going to be coming here and causing mass chaos.
My wife (who is from Europe) asked me today why, when we were out to dinner nearly a month and a half ago, was I so concerned, yet the government was not. And I truly could not answer her. I don't know why a nobody like me was seemingly more concerned about this virus than the leaders of this nation.
Also, to the other guy above who was saying what good would testing do. There are two main things about testing:
1. We should have been preparing test kids to be ready for what has hit us now, for over a month. Instead, we are scrambling to mass produce tests when, on the lower end, experts are estimating that 20-40K Americans are already infected.
2. Had we been testing earlier, it would have been more widespread and, like South Korea, we very likely could have traced contacts and isolated the virus within communities. This would have very possibly allowed us to limit the social distancing which is taking place now.
Social distancing is meant to only be one piece of the puzzle, yet for us, it is an absolute last ditch effort to stem the bleeding of something the government has lost complete control of. And our social distancing will likely be necessitated for a significantly longer period than other countries due to the fact that we are playing catch up now, instead of having been aggressive from the outset.
It's just a debacle from top to bottom. And it wasn't hard to see this coming. We could have been so much better prepared. It's truly shocking to me, that not one person in the upper echelons of our government didn't somehow wake up and demand that we start doing the right thing. It is even sadder when you realize the complete destruction this administration has done to departments specifically tasked with handling situations like this, over the past few years.