The government has demonstrably screwed up on this. We went all-in on the CanSino vaccine. No idea why this government would do that but that's what they decided. The plan was to manufacture these vaccines here. Only in the last few days did they invest in manufacturing facilities in Vancouver and Montreal to produce our own vaccines. What the hell was their plan for the CanSino vaccine? They spent $400B and counting and sat on $25M for a year investing in homegrown vaccine production. This also brings up why we couldn't have just used the existing Glaxo Smith Klein and Connaught facilities. Sounds like someone is getting rich over the new deals.
Not only that, the gov knew in May!!! the CanSino deal had fallen through and waited until late July to secure vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna, etc., etc., putting us at the back of the line, then put on a big show acting like they bought more vaccines than anyone in the world (per capita). They didn't buy anything, they guaranteed money, nothing more.
Do not tell me we didn't screw this up, it's been damage control for months now.
Actually, it was in October, but it is something we should have done years ago.
Trudeau announces $214M for potential made-in-Canada COVID-19 vaccines
This isn't a new issue it dates back decades.
We do vaccines here already, but nothing like what is required.