I just came across a video about what Iceland did to fight Covid. I know some of what they did works cause they are an island and have a small population. What they did was test everyone, did contact tracing and made everyone that tested positive quarantine for 14 days. As far as tourism goes and people flying in, any one that flew into Iceland had to be tested upon arrival, isolate for 5 days and get tested again before going into the country.
Two things that were interesting from it was after testing everyone they found the main symptoms were muscle ache, dry cough and headaches. The other was that from contact tracing most of the spread was in households. Some were picking it up from work, hospitals or in public but then bringing it home and it spread there.
Iceland proves contact tracing works as well as self isolation. We should be testing each and everyone in Canada and anyone that tests positive must quarantine for 14 days. There should be no exemptions for anyone flying in regardless of your job. Why they can't test people flying in and do the same as Iceland is beyond me