When will people learn that lockdowns DON'T WORK unless you have ideal conditions in most cases? When you have a few hundred thousand or a few million people to manage and your nation is relatively isolated? Sure a lockdown could be effective in keeping the spread low. But when you have to manage tens of millions of people in a large country, with a diverse population and especially when its connected to other countries? Yeah goodluck with that.
The goal that our government and medical experts should've set from the beginning should have been to protect the most sick and vulnerable. Here's an example of one of a few dozen long term care homes that took very early action BEFORE the government told them to do anything and as a result they're STILL covid and virus death free during the whole pandemic and CTV just did an update on this specific LTC home today.
How this Ontario long-term care home managed to stay COVID-19 free
THIS is what the Ontario government and the rest of Canada should've done from the VERY BEGINNING once it was clear which groups of people were most affected. Instead they kept going insane over rising cases instead of focusing on the people who needed help the most and as a result they suffered the worse. Heck they're still doing it now even after having months to prepare for spikes in cases like we're seeing now.
A lockdown wasn't necessary and if everyone had followed the lead of those LTC homes that took early measures to protect their patients, we could've saved thousands of lives without screwing our entire country over this virus, but nope all our leaders and experts were and still are MORONS who prefer to simply nuke the whole country rather than taking a targeted approach.