Come on chosen--who's been living up to the level they are capable of? Even Zucc has had stretches of poor play, Brassard doesn't show up every night, Nash doesn't seem to be able to stand out anymore and Stepan has been hurt for a bunch of the season too. That's the core of forwards you expect to produce in one way or another every game. It's not just on Kreider--he's still learning and can't be expected to carry a team that is misfiring in so many ways.
This isn't about not living up to expectations. This is about being invisible. Even when Nash isn't scoring, he is their best defensive forward. I know that's not enough, but it shows he has some value. The comparison to Zucc this year is ridiculous.
It's not that Kreider isn't scoring. It's that a player with his skating abilities and the physicality he possesses can be hard to even find on many shifts.
At least Tortorella had the balls to sit him. AV refuses to sit him.
If Kreider starts to play well, his supporters will say I told you so and his detractors will say, where has he been. If we didn't think he could be playing better, we wouldn't even bother commenting on him.