Checkers IV: Insert Witty Title Here


Canes Sharks Boy
Dec 14, 2015
my favorite thing is the "most X in checkers franchise history", in reference to a team that has existed for fewer than 9 seasons and has missed the playoffs half the time. like when people were making a big deal that nedeljkovic became the all time checkers wins leader when the previous leaders were john muse followed by justin peters, or trevor carrick putting up the most points for a defenseman in a season behind bobby sanguinetti and bryan rodney :laugh:.
Seems to me that if you are playing for the Checkers long enough to set a record, that is not a good thing.

Pesce and Slavin set no Checkers records.

Anton Babchuk

Registered User
Nov 3, 2005
brett finger 2021: it hurts so much, but the hurricanes were always going to have to lose a player. it's a shame that they had to a lose a guy in gauthier who was fifth in u24 goals and was probably going to make the team this year. let's be glad that andrew potularski (3rd u27 points, 2nd u27 powerplay assists) was spared. he's also probably making the team this year.

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Anton Babchuk

Registered User
Nov 3, 2005
They don’t watch the games, all they have are the stats. And the stats are useful for promoting the team. So there you go.
brett absolutely watches at least some of the checkers games, based on all the screenshots of the games he posts mid-game. and once again the job of a writer is not "promoting the team".

i think this discussion is totally useless, as you seem to think that's it literally the responsibility of journalists covering the hurricanes/checkers to homer over the team and its players/prospects and to promote them. you sarcastically suggesting i get hired for checkers marketing based on my criticism of writers should have given me a clue where this argument was heading. take care.

Anton Dubinchuk

Jul 18, 2010
Atlanta, GA
brett absolutely watches the games, based on all the screenshots of the games he posts mid-game. and once again the job of a writer is not "promoting the team".

i think this discussion is totally useless, as you seem to think that's it literally the responsibility of journalists covering the hurricanes to homer over the team and its players/prospects.

Ever consider that he’s legit excited about some of the players on the AHL leading Charlotte Checkers, and he’s not some barely-post-pubescent mastermind pulling the wool over the eyes of fans everywhere through tens, TENS, of likes and retweets?

Are you mad him for a lack of journalistic integrity? Or for being wrong?

Anton Babchuk

Registered User
Nov 3, 2005
Ever consider that he’s legit excited about some of the players on the AHL leading Charlotte Checkers, and he’s not some barely-post-pubescent mastermind pulling the wool over the eyes of fans everywhere through tens, TENS, of like and retweets?
sorry but this team has very few fans for a major league sports team. there weren't even 2,000 people listening to kaiton's radio broadcast lol. 1,400 followers is a significant portion of this fanbase, unfortunately, and they are absolutely being mislead by a guy who is a massive homer and very obviously looks for ways that he can present stats that put players in the best possible light.

he literally had a poll earlier this season over which team had the better goaltending tandem: hurricanes (mac/mrazek) or checkers (ned/darling)….and the checkers inexplicably won in a landslide. why? well i'm guessing it had to do with him constantly mentioning ned's win total while somehow being allergic to his save percentage. do you not think that's a problem? this was AFTER mac's great start btw. a goaltending tandem that involved *scott darling* won in a landslide because brett spent the last year slobbering all over ned because of how many games he won.

good luck getting this guy to mention gauthier's 14 assists all year, or carrick being terrible defensively, or ned having a brutal sv% until finally turning it on the second half this year. whatever stat makes a player look good is what he's going to promote, and he's going to absolutely beat it into the ground until you get the point. he's a credentialed writer for the team with 1,400 followers, I really don't care how young he is.
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Anton Dubinchuk

Jul 18, 2010
Atlanta, GA
sorry but this team has very few fans for a major league sports team. there weren't even 2,000 people listening to kaiton's radio broadcast lol. 1,400 followers is a significant portion of this fanbase, unfortunately, and they are absolutely being mislead by a guy who is a massive homer and very obviously looks for ways that he can present stats that put players in the best possible light.

he literally had a poll earlier this season over which team had the better goaltending tandem: hurricanes (mac/mrazek) or checkers (ned/darling)….and the checkers inexplicably won in a landslide. why? well i'm guessing it had to do with him constantly mentioning ned's win total while somehow being allergic to his save percentage. do you not think that's a problem? this was AFTER mac's great start btw. a goaltending tandem that involved scott darling won in a landslide because brett spent the last year slobbering all over how many games ned won.

Or maybe people interpreted it as a sane person would, namely “who has the better goaltending tandem for the league they’re in.” And given Ned just put up a .916/2.25 year this year I think he’s the answer.

I also think Clemson football did better than the Oakland Raiders this year, unless you interpret my statement like a madman.

Anton Babchuk

Registered User
Nov 3, 2005
Or maybe people interpreted it as a sane person would, namely “who has the better goaltending tandem for the league they’re in.” And given Ned just put up a .916/2.25 year this year I think he’s the answer.

I also think Clemson football did better than the Oakland Raiders this year, unless you interpret my statement like a madman.
well it would be weird if they interpreted it that way considering the exact wording was:

"So, the Hurricanes’ current NHL goalie tandem is Peter Mrazek and Curtis McElhinney. When the Checkers play on Wednesday, their AHL goalie tandem will be Scott Darling and Alex Nedeljkovic.

In terms of just raw ability and competence, which team has the better goalie tandem"

checkers won 76% to 24% lmao

it's very clear that he's taking about overall ability, not in relation to the league they're in.

and again this was back in october well before ned turned his season around.

My Special Purpose

Registered User
Apr 8, 2008
i'm sorry if you think the job of a credentialed writer is to homer nonstop over every player. it would be nice to have even the slightest bit of criticism of any prospect so we don't have people freaking out when someone who's not even that good in the AHL hits the waiver wire, all because some guys with a bunch of followers spent all year building him up with random arbitrary stats.

we'll hear all about how trevor carrick had the third best point total for defensemen in "franchise history" (lol) or that julien gauthier had the third best u23 (lol) goals, but never about how carrick finished a minus player on a team where philip samuelsson was a +44, or that gauthier had a total of 14 assists to bring his point total to a whopping 39. these homer writers just constantly move the goal posts and leave out relevant information to make every player look good.

when you have people freaking out and calling ron francis an idiot who should be fired because he put a mediocre ahl defenseman on waivers, maybe there's a problem.

Well, Trevor Carrick *does* have the third-best point total for a defenseman in franchise history. That's a fact. If you can't put it in proper perspective, that's on you.

Anton Dubinchuk

Jul 18, 2010
Atlanta, GA
well it would be weird if they interpreted it as that considering the exact wording was:

"So, the Hurricanes’ current NHL goalie tandem is Peter Mrazek and Curtis McElhinney. When the Checkers play on Wednesday, their AHL goalie tandem will be Scott Darling and Alex Nedeljkovic.

In terms of just raw ability and competence, which team has the better goalie tandem"

and again this was back in october well before ned turned his season around.

Lol ok this was back in October? So this was when fans were still riding the high of all the Darling/Burniston videos and Darling hadn’t played a game yet this season?

And as per that last part, Ned was 5-0 when the poll was posted. How misleading - apparently there’s a little Finger in all of us.

EDIT: Also can we just frame this convo for a second? We’re now arguing about a poll that college student Brett Finger put on Twitter 6 months ago and got 115 responses to (that it turns out I voted in and voted for AHL believe it or not, but I also bought the Burniston videos hook line and sinker and don’t even follow Brett Finger). Hayley if we went to your basement would there be a conspiracy theory yarn map on your wall all leading to Brett Finger’s Twitter profile pic circled in red with arrows pointing to it? Just curious.
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Registered User
Oct 31, 2017
An Oblate Spheroid

Anton Babchuk

Registered User
Nov 3, 2005
Well, Trevor Carrick *does* have the third-best point total for a defenseman in franchise history. That's a fact. If you can't put it in proper perspective, that's on you.
should it not be the job of a writer covering team to try to put things in their proper context, especially when the vast majority of our fanbase doesn't actually watch the checkers and is relying on writers to inform them? like they could could just say "but carrick's not really reliable defensively, and has limited nhl potential as a result" maybe once in awhile when they're mentioning his point totals and records? i live in charlotte and watch the checkers on a regular basis, i'm very capable of putting things into context and understanding that carrick is bad defensively even though he puts up points. my point is the writers won't mention this *ever* and it's incredibly misleading to our fanbase. it's basically 99% praise for every player. it's absurd and leads to stuff like the freakout two years ago over carrick being waived.

Anton Dubinchuk

Jul 18, 2010
Atlanta, GA
Whatever happened to this guy?

Kahz Appreciation Thread

I was thinking the same. And I remember loving that cat video even if it’s not there anymore.

He became what Tony Romo will become in a few years. He’s right too much and now just exists to call everyone idiots and spike the football.

Tony: “Jim this is gonna be a run to the right.”

Jim: “Hands off to the right, barrels in, TOUCHDOWN COWBOYS”

Tony: SUCK IT EAGLES. I knew it was a run to the right. It was OBVIOUS it was a run to the right. But you were too STUPID to see it was a run to the right. And you, watching on TV. Yeah you. Did you think it was gonna be play action? Of course you did you dumb bitch. It was obvious, did you see the way the line was clogging the A gap? No, of course not, because you’re all IDIOTS.”

Anton Babchuk

Registered User
Nov 3, 2005
Yeah I know, my bad. I just don’t get to do this as much as I’d like anymore. Since getting married I’ve had to learn that going down the rabbit hole like this is “petty”, “pointless,” and makes people “not like me.”
this was pretty easily the most petty argument I've gotten involved in here. even worse than when I argued with a kings fan for like eight pages over whether tim gleason was their 4th or 5th defenseman.

as an aside why is hfboards making me capitalize "I" and people's names? I want to type in all lowercase ffs.

Boom Boom Apathy

I am the Professor. Deal with it!
Sep 6, 2006
six more years of watching this team miss the playoffs and seeing hurricanes twitter freak out when filip digiorno or whoever got waived is what happened. they broke me

I can understand that, but it's a shame. I'd quit following the team if it made me so miserable about it that I couldn't even enjoy when they finally do make it. Hopefully things change going forward.


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