Adam Michaels
Registered User
I just hope he doesn’t explode his mcl in his first game for you guys.
Glassi Limpalainen
Broken Toye
Holy Mary and Josef de Marde-inez
Ready for the season now.
I just hope he doesn’t explode his mcl in his first game for you guys.
Paging @Skip BaylessHow much is APPLE+ MLS SEASON PASS again?
free with a season ticket actuallyHow much is APPLE+ MLS SEASON PASS again?
So, stupid expensive for someone who can't attend every home game like mefree with a season ticket actually
it's literally free if someone from mcgill buys your Miami ticket, you fool!So, stupid expensive for someone who can't attend every home game like me
Selon ce que j’ai appris de sources fiables, d’importantes discussions d’ordre philosophique ont eu lieu dans les bureaux du CF Montréal au cours des derniers mois. Celles-ci ont débouché sur une transformation de sa culture.
Jusqu’à l’an dernier, le club s’affichait publiquement, et presque exclusivement, comme une équipe qui forme des joueurs. Le CF Montréal voulait presque uniquement acheter et vendre des joueurs pour en tirer profil. La victoire semblait vraiment secondaire… Cette philosophie a été difficile pour les partisans.
Mais, voilà que les choses commencent tranquillement à changer. Plusieurs jeunes joueurs ont quitté l’équipe depuis l’an dernier et des atlètes plus expérimentés ont pris leurs places. On peut penser à Raheem Edwards, Ruan, Mathias Coccaro, Dominic Iankov et Josef Martinez.
Clairement, ceux à l’interne qui désiraient une philosophie plus équilibrée ont eu gain de cause. Est-ce que ça veut dire que le club abandonne l’idée de développer et vendre des joueurs? Non, absolument pas.
We all get that. People weren't upset that they sold the players. People were upset that they didn't immediately spend that money on acquiring new players to sell hopefully for even more money. Which is basically what they're doing this year.A smaller market team in a secondary league has to sell players, that's pretty much the only business model possible in football. I get why more casual fans won't be happy with that though, you do have to find a balance.
If you grew up hearing how clients were coerced into buying your family's product "or else" and living a high lifestyle as a result, it would be quite likely you will grow up without proper respect for honest hardworking people.I wish I was so rich I could have a business where you treat clients like shit, have expensive meetings to "realize" you are, and then get celebrated for trying to treat them a little better
Renard may have been working on a few things that ended up not happening too, it's hard to know.Could also have been because the resale market on players was super inflated, which could've both triggered sales on our end and prevented acquisitions. Unsure how correlated the markets are, but the timing at which we sold our players last year coincided with the stock markets' peak. We don't know how Renard's discussions went. Maybe we were super smart. Who knows.
If you grew up hearing how clients were coerced into buying your family's product "or else" and living a high lifestyle as a result, it would be quite likely you will grow up without proper respect for honest hardworking people.
How much is APPLE+ MLS SEASON PASS again?
Mahala .. breakout year. Showed flashes last season. I think he will put it together and have an incredible season.