GDT: CBJ-CAR: So Somebody Wants to Play Us


Loyal Fan of Jerks
Nov 2, 2016
Honestly, if I'm RBA, I make them rewatch the game as soon as they get back to the locker room and write a f***ing thesis on everything they did wrong. This game should be a lesson to them, a learning experience, on literally every thing you DON'T do at the highest level of hockey. There's a few guys who were at least trying - Skjei, Jarvis, Svech maybe - everyone else including Aho was pretty crap. Even good teams have bad games, but damn there just wasn't any real effort even...we probably had 30 rocket shots wide of the net
Also they need to practice targeting.. unlike the NFL that's a good trait in hockey. see Laine/ Ovechkin


Registered User
Sep 8, 2013
Their transition D has been awful lately, glaringly bad this game and against Florida. That’s not just rust, they’ve given up an inordinate amount of 2-1’s all year. I’d like to see RBA make an adjustment there, but I doubt he will. For better or worse, there always seems to be a D caught deep 3-4 times each game and the other team gets grade A chances in transition.

And something is up with Aho. Not sure if it’s the time off and/or Covid, but he’s been invisible lately.

Joe McGrath

Registered User
Oct 29, 2009
Their transition D has been awful lately, glaringly bad this game and against Florida. That’s not just rust, they’ve given up an inordinate amount of 2-1’s all year. I’d like to see RBA make an adjustment there, but I doubt he will. For better or worse, there always seems to be a D caught deep 3-4 times each game and the other team gets grade A chances in transition.

And something is up with Aho. Not sure if it’s the time off and/or Covid, but he’s been invisible lately.

He finished off a ridiculous heater literally 2 games ago.


I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious
Nov 5, 2005
Washington DC
I stopped watching the game early in the third before they put LaFontaine in... He really got the short end of the stick coming into that dumpster fire of a game.

Hope that experience and .333 save percentage doesn't mess with his head.

Lol at that gopher fan coming in here all butt hurt. Seriously, did they even watch the replay?


Registered User
Oct 14, 2017
Merziklins first save of the night (a glove save) I felt like he was going to be hot. I don't think we did enough to challenge him in other places - seemed like with a few exceptions we were going high glove everytime, or right into his chest. Late in the game we went low a few times but he was dialed in and very confident.


Registered User
Sep 25, 2020
This isn’t just one game against a team they should beat. Its how they play (or don’t play) against those type teams.

We play well enough against those teams to have a top 2 record league wide and just .001% behind Florida. Also a league leading +36 differential despite losing by 6 yesterday. Not really an issue. Every team has games like this against lesser competition, it's the nature of sports not some crazy thing unique to the Canes.


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
I think that’s a little much, but there’s no denying that our game has been real **** lately. Even games we won, it often required a comeback after taking a period or two off.

So maybe a game like this will be good for them, wake them the f*** up, and get back on track. From Rod’s postgame comments, it sounds like they were expecting a game like this eventually.

This seems pretty typical for any hockey team which takes a bunch of days off. I wouldn't read too much into it... the big question is how they play when we get back to having games every other night, a playoff-style schedule.


Player/Member USA Hockey or affilates 1972-2006
Mar 15, 2017
Seattle, WA
The d was terrible yes but anytime you take your number one out ( 24 minutes a game ) it is a adjustment. Now Saturday's matinee against the Nucks we should see some improvement over what we just witnessed. I also think having that Flyer game postponed at the last minute kinda of sucked the winds out of the sails too. We'll get em Saturday and be ready for it.
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Jan 18, 2014
Honestly, if I'm RBA, I make them rewatch the game as soon as they get back to the locker room and write a f***ing thesis on everything they did wrong. This game should be a lesson to them, a learning experience, on literally every thing you DON'T do at the highest level of hockey. There's a few guys who were at least trying - Skjei, Jarvis, Svech maybe - everyone else including Aho was pretty crap. Even good teams have bad games, but damn there just wasn't any real effort even...we probably had 30 rocket shots wide of the net

Hey! Don't forget Lorentz! He was trying to show el' capitan how it's done.
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Discipline Daddy

Brentcent Van Burns
Nov 27, 2009
Raleigh, NC
This was a weird game. We for sure deserved to lose, and for sure Columbus was the better team. I'm glad we lost big as I think it's a good wake up call for the boys. I am also thrilled we play again tomorrow. Perfect rhythm to forget this one and look forward to the next.

It was one of the strangest games I'd seen. We played bad overall, but the wheels only fell off after we went down 0-3. Until that point, we were completely competitive with the Jackets, and I honestly thought we'd come back and win the game.

The biggest I don't give a f*** moment I've seen yet this season was the 0-5 goal. My gawd Brendan Smith. Check out him "following his man" at about 7:25.

:laugh: He just eases up completely. As someone else says, this was the first time this year I'd ever seen our team flat out quit. We quit for the last 15 minutes of this game.

Before that point, we didn't look great, but we were hustling, forechecking, getting lots and lots of offensive zone time. Elvis was fantastic, but my goodness did we miss the net. It felt like we were trying to miss the net. The offensive was completely out of sorts. The defense didn't look horrible in the first two periods, but man oh man did they have a third.

I'm not sure how much of our awful defense last night was the Smith-Bear pairing, and how much of it was the other two. This game does make it seem like we could use another top 4 for injury insurance, to push Bear permanently down to the third pair, and to send Brendan Smith to siberia.


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