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Wow. WTF?
I saw that edit
Wow. WTF?
Yeah, I'm guilty of disagreeing with some people. Forgive my sins father.Do you have some guilt you need to get off your shoulders?
The details have been revealed. That's what we're basing our thoughts off of and it doesn't look good. The defense team can change our thoughts. Our stances are not set in stone. We are not judge, nor jury, nor executioner.@Beef Invictus @JojoTheWhale it doesn't mean it's ok to s--t on people if you're not sure about their deeds. Just wait until the details are revealed.
Yeah, I'm guilty of disagreeing with some people. Forgive my sins father.
Don’t underestimate how low these organizations And individuals will stoopTeams don’t want them. There is a good chance the players look bad even if found not guilty. No team will want to touch them and deal with bad backlash. OJ Simpson and Casey Anthony were found not guilty but I doubt many want to be seen hanging out with them
@Beef Invictus @JojoTheWhale it doesn't mean it's ok to s--t on people if you're not sure about their deeds. Just wait until the details are revealed.
What exactly Hart did? I didn't see it's been revealed.What kind of doubt is there?
Don’t underestimate how low these organizations And individuals will stoop
You know what? I'll biteI have nothing to do with your night, if you came to public forum, control yourself
Look at the established culture and practices. Look at the fact that they had millions put away for hush money. Lookat other entitled individuals from other sports And the behaviors that get excused by society for reasons. Look at the f***ing Blackhawks! Yep, wouldn’t be surprising in the leastI'd wager there's a non-zero chance that some organization at some point signs one of these players.
Rich greedy owners can't help themselves. Money is more important than principles.
More of this zero tolerance approach would probably go a ling way in curing this sicknessYou know what? I'll bite
Here are some facts of the case, and they are indisputable:
1. An intoxicated woman was coerced into doing something she was uncomfortable doing by strangers
2. This intoxicated woman was coerced by a large organization to stay quiet about the situation
3. Strangers coerced this intoxicated woman to appear in front of a camera
4. This intoxicated woman was put in this situation because another human broke her trust
Leaving ANYTHING explicit out of these parse details, you would probably agree that the person or persons responsible for making this intoxicated individual feel so uncomfortable and invalid are, frankly, pretty f***ing shitty. A human was manipulated into an uncomfortable situation by people who took advantage of her altered mind and perceptions.
Those people, regardless of their alleged crimes, are shitty. Innocent vs guilty at this point is just semantics. I know that sounds wild, but it is. It's semantics because even if in some alternate dimension these people didn't commit sexual crimes, they still acted in a f***ing shitty way to a helpless person. They deserve no respect from me, in fact, one of these people has truly fallen from my grace. They are shitty f***ing humans and they deserve shit shoveled upon them. Proverbially.
f*** these people. Period
Fact #5: I had a hell of a night at work
There's always technically a possibility that she regretted her actions and then made the accusations but I HIGHLY doubt that's the case here. The woman was found sobbing in the shower, curled up in a ball by her mother the day after the incident and told her mom what happened. I doubt that'd have occurred if she just had a regretful night based on her own actions - not to mention she was apparently highly intoxicated and unable to consent to anything further.When I read this thread I remember when I was still studying law and taking part in workshops about specific topics of criminal law.
- Topic 1 was sth like "Do penalties, prisons etc. make any sense of all?" and there was a group of (politically speaking far left) students who made their point that penalties / criminal law / prisons don´t make sense at all ("No one ever became a better person in jail." "Most crimes are linked to a bad childhood" etc.). I think you get the idea.
- Topic 7 were sexual crimes. The same students had no problems to demand penalties that cannot be said or written here...
Do you see the contradiction? It just happened to come up to my mind when I read some of the heated posts here.
I do have a first impression that the accusation will stand the test of a lawsuit here (due to the many people involved), but I still recommend not to be too easy about prejudices. It is always tough to find out the truth years after the incident. Certainly if half of the accusations are true, those players´ careers should be over. And of course everyone should feel for a girl that was (ab)used. Actually nothing can be done to fully compensate such crimes.
But there is a thin line between a drunken night after which you regret your own (if applicable shameful) behaviour and a strong criminal case. My impression is that it is not clear yet if this case is on the dark side of this line and especially not how far.
In Germany we had at least two spectecular cases with alleged sexual crimes by V.I.P´s. "Hang them" was the public preoccupation. But innocence was proven and the careers of those two men were over anyway.
Even if you don´t like it: Just because someone threatens or begs you to remain silent about the incident or evens gives you money for it, doesn´t prove any guilt. What would you do, if someone made up or exaggerated a story about you being in that position?
The Turn™ comes to every thread eventually.
I must say it's always creepy how the "presume innocence!" argument comes out strongest for rapists and molesters. There was no such constant reminded for Lehtera.
Drunk women, amirite?!Or when we need more info about someone throwing a wheel chair down the steps
This is a truly terrible stance to take.He isn't a court of law. He is under no such obligation. Ample evidence exists. You do not, as a regular person, have to assume someone is innocent until a court says otherwise. "Presumption of innocence" applies to how the government system will behave. It isn't a mandate upon the populace of a society, who are allowed to form whatever opinion they want with the information available.
Drunk women, amirite?!
What exactly Hart did? I didn't see it's been revealed.
This is a truly terrible stance to take.
Presumption of guilt by society has killed people and lives have absolutely been ruined. Thats why you shouldnt assume anything until both sides can provide all evidence in legal manner. You are a moderator on this site and know that speculation on this topic has been outright banned because of libel laws and slander.
This thread is already bordering absurd. We certainly know what one side has stated, the other side are protesting their innocence. Are they guilty? No one here knows. You can form whatever opinion you want, you cant make statements of fact based on that opinion. That's why there is a court of law.
If these players are innocent (and for the record I'm not stating they are) then they stand to lose at least 2 years of their careers, their reputation, friends and family members. While carrying around the burden of "just because they weren't jailed doesn't mean they weren't guilty".
People are pretty f***ing quick to come to conclusions when it's not their life on the line.
Is it a turn or is it more like El Nino in that we all know it's coming and how shitty it's going to make things, we just don't know whenThe Turn™ comes to every thread eventually.
The 4 others are all 1998, but starting to get a horrible feeling about which one it wasFormenton isn't Player 1. Player 1 was born in 1998 and Formenton is '99.
We don't know what Hart himself did though. That's an important distinction. We know what the group did in a general sense.So you have done no research, then. Because what they did is well known.
Is it a turn or is it more like El Nino in that we all know it's coming and how shitty it's going to make things, we just don't know when