Ah, but his salary isn't 3750000 for purposes of Canadian taxes. You have to convert it to CDN (5,385,937.61), and hence he will pay more taxes in CDN dollars, no? Still a massive discount for dollar and cost of living, tho I think many if not most US cities are still cheap for these guys. And if you play in NY, LA, San Jose, you can also make a lot of money on real estate. None of these guys are hurting, not matter what Allan whatsis would have you guys believe. Not to say Canada does not need to cut taxes, there's not much of a military to pay for here, so... there needs to be massive cuts somewhere. Lots of money funneled to the private side of healthcare from what I've heard. Not an expert tho... and education is a massive slice, but you can't raise tuition now with the cost of living the way it is.