Anyone have any ideas on how to earn some quick cash?
My fiancé and I just moved from Dallas to Idaho for my new job, which starts July 12th. We spent $2300 to break our lease early, $2100 first months rent, $2000 deposit and $5000 and change on moving services, driving our car to Idaho, hotels, etc.
My benefits don’t kick in for 30 days after my start date and we’re not married yet, so she won’t be covered unless we do a shot gun wedding. She started feeling under the weather about a week ago and two days ago after running some tests they want to do a bone marrow biopsy. We’re tapped out. When I was younger, stupider (and had a horrific ex-wife) I wrecked my credit while in the military. Got denied for a loan.
I’m donating plasma, trying to sell all my jerseys, Apple Watch, MacBook, leather jacket, second TV, etc. It’s embarrassing to be in this type of financial bind, but I’m out of ideas.