Every team has underlaying weaknesses. Its about hiding yours and exposing opponents. Thats why suprises happen every year in playoffs. Thats why Bruins lost in the R1 and Toronto is still looking for their run (although puck luck also plays a big part on a single matchup).
Sure we may have ”more” weaknesses than many other teams, but we also have a new upcoming coach, some young guys with room to grow, undeperforming older core that still has it in their backbone what it takes to win - and we have cap space and assets (something that many others dont have) to address some weaknesses if it looks like we are in a position where we want to do it. So while we have glaring weaknesses, we also have potential to be better.
Sitting second in metro and right there with all the big guys in the division aswell, with games in hand too, i think we are in a good place right now and this kind of a negativity is weird. We are winning games now and we have some fireworks in the system with a lot of cap space opening that can help us keep that up in the coming years too. And our farm system is doing great things for our young guys at the same time.
I dont really understand the ”blow it up” mentality right now. You are of course completely allowed to have and express that opinion, but why bring it up when everything is looking good. Thats just dooming and glooming and getting the mentality in the boards down. Why not try to enjoy it a little bit, you might have a lot of years ahead where we all can doom and gloom together.
i admit we’ve had semi easy schedule to open the season and that might make us look a little stronger than we are, but this could also impact positively on the long run. We’ve gained the start we hoped for, and now its time to see if we can keep it up.
It might all come crashing down fast, and at that point ill gladly join to entertain and discuss the doom and its sort of fun to think about the chances of a rebuild and the new arising of the team too. (Although rebuild is way over romantized and it mostly looks really ugly and is painful.)
But until that this could be go the other way too. Life is too short and hockey is too random to not appreciate when we are doing well!