Good summary of what we've been seeing from Willie over the past few seasons and the possible explanations. "Falls down a lot" could be added but iirc that's a trait that preceded his neutering.
I've been in the "move him for a good offer" camp because - if the team's staff is doing its job - this includes coaches, trainers/medical, equipment guys and others - they either know or have a reasonably good idea of why we're all seeing those things. And as time goes on, and the wreaking ball Willie fades even further into the past, it becomes less and less likely that another team will value him for what he used to be. If the issue is at least in part the league (and his 6-game banishment in March? strongly implies that's true), then only a GM with one of the league's darlings (like NYR, Bsn, Pgh) would have enough faith that he'd contribute enough snarl to make a difference. If it's nagging injury/-ies, then wouldn't that come out in a medical eval, and would there be a reputational risk for GMBM in trading damaged goods w/o full disclosure? (And, if the injuries are chronic, one has to wonder why GMBM gave him the new contract.) Coaching may contribute to the 'problem,' but we've seen this version of Willie under multiple coaches.
Anyway, Willie's presence here seems to be written in Sharpie, so we'll see if anything changes next season.